country_command_limit_add = 10#舰队控制上限+10}weight_modifier = {#权重修改器,在符合条件的时候,改变权重modifier = {factor = 0.1NOT = { years_passed > 10 }#当开局没超过10年,权重乘以0.1}modifier = {factor = 10any_neighbor_country = {has_technology = tech_destroyers#拥有护卫舰科技权重...
country_command_limit_add = 10#舰队控制上限+10}weight_modifier = {#权重修改器,在符合条件的时候,改变权重modifier = {factor = 0.1NOT = { years_passed > 10 }#当开局没超过10年,权重乘以0.1}modifier = {factor = 10any_neighbor_country = {has_technology = tech_destroyers#拥有护卫舰科技权重...
现有的控制台指令大全..一楼镇楼。就不发原地址了,搜索stellaris console command都能看到。目前这个wiki已经给出了官方打算做的所有指令列表,但很多都还在制作过程中。目前只翻译现在能用的
add_trait_species 0 trait_rapid_breeders 人口增速10 add_trait_species 0 trait_talented 领袖最高等级+1 add_trait_species 0 trait_quick_learners 经验+25 add_trait_species 0 trait_traditional 传统岗位产出+10 add_trait_species 0 trait_very_strong 非常强壮 军队攻击力+40 劳工基础产出+5 add_trait...
resources显示星球资源。无resources reverse_diplo从目标派遣一个外交指挥官到玩家。[diplo] [id]reverse_diplo action_invite_to_alliance 01 skills为每个玩家控制的领袖添加一定数额的技能等级。[数额] [amount]skills 5 所有领袖等级+5 society添加社会技术点。默认为5000。[数额] ...
country_command_limit_add = 10 #舰队控制上限+10 } weight_modifier = { #权重修改器,在符合条件的时候,改变权重 modifier = { factor = 0.1 NOT = { years_passed > 10 } #当开局没超过10年,权重乘以0.1 } modifier = { factor = 10
找到方法了,原来新版本蠢驴又在代码前面加了个前缀,以前只输入add_ship+名字 无效了,需要在舰船名字前面加个NAME_才行,变成add_ship NAME_(舰船名字),这样才行比如以太龙原先是add_ship Grand_Dragon 或 add_ship 大龙 这样的,新版本需要在船名前面加个NAME_才行变成add_ship NAME_Grand_Dragon 就能正常刷出以...
academy_1 轨道堡垒【需要飞升 银河布武 科技代码activate_ascension_perk research_technology tech_military_academy_megastructure超标量轨道军事堡垒 如果想修改舰队上限文本快速查找下面代码 country_naval_cap_add = 120 军舰容量 ship_starting_experience_add = 24 舰船初始经验 country_command_limit_add = 8 舰队...
This command gives you the relic with the specified ID. Specify 'all' (without quotes) to add all relics.NameDescription Relic ID The relic ID of the relic you wish to gain. Specify 'all' (without quotes) to add all relics. You can add multiple of the same relic. ...
A searchable list of all trait codes from Stellaris.Enter the name of a trait to filter the entries in the table. Use the "Table View" and "Card View" buttons to change the way the codes are displayed.add_trait_leader Command Help add_trait_leader <Leader ID> <Trait ID> Copy ...