In a couple of days we will finally bring you Federations, an expansion that we've worked incredibly hard on for quite a while now. We're extremely excited to get it into your hands and see what you all think of it! 联邦Federations扩展包还有几天就要发布了,这是我们费尽心机努力制作的一...
Relentless Industrialists: If you’re going to keep up with demand, you’re going to have to learn to ignore all of those petty regulations and negative opinions. The surviving population will thank you for all of the resources you gain!
The surviving population will thank you for all of the resources you gain!NEW TRAITSIncubator: Repopulate quickly when your planet is empty, but those growth facilities can fill up fast!Inorganic Breath: Your own people are a source of valuable exotic gasses! It’s a shame the respirators ...
and if the overlord has 3 other vassals that are givingthe overlord* base resources, will the Overlord only give the vassal their original base resource production and then still have a decent income from the taxes on their other
The surviving population will thank you for all of the resources you gain!冷酷工业家:如果你打算跟上需求,你需要学会无视所有琐碎规则和负面意见。幸存下来的人口都会感谢你的付出! New Traits: 新特质: Incubator: Repopulate quickly when your planet is empty, but those growth facilities can fill up ...
The surviving population will thank you for all of the resources you gain! NEW TRAITS Incubator: Repopulate quickly when your planet is empty, but those growth facilities can fill up fast! Inorganic Breath: Your own people are a source of valuable exotic gasses! It’s a shame the respirator...
The surviving population will thank you for all of the resources you gain!NEW TRAITSIncubator: Repopulate quickly when your planet is empty, but those growth facilities can fill up fast!Inorganic Breath: Your own people are a source of valuable exotic gasses! It’s a shame the respirators ...
The problem was that it was recalculating the resource output of all resources on the planet, basically (including by seeing what each pop was producing!). It turned out to be possible to mitigate this somewhat (to about 75%) by making it selectively recalculate the production of the ...
Fill any Collection category with active Exhibits. Void Charmer Build each type of Voidlure in one game, and attract each type of eligible Space Fauna. Animal Farm Reach 50 Vivarium capacity. Wormageddon Destroy a Voidworm nest. That's No Asteroid ...
The surviving population will thank you for all of the resources you gain! NEW TRAITS Incubator: Repopulate quickly when your planet is empty, but those growth facilities can fill up fast! Inorganic Breath: Your own people are a source of valuable exotic gasses! It’s a shame the respirator...