其中值得一提的是 logit() 和 invlogit(),定义也很清晰:logit(x)=lnx1−x,invlogit(x)=logit−1(x)logit(x)=ln1−xx,invlogit(x)=logit−1(x)。 随机数类函数主要以特定分布生成随机数样本,基本结构为:rdist(a,...)。比如,rchi2(df) 会生成以自由度为 df 的χ2χ2分布为总体的...
View and run all postestimation features for your command Automatically updated as estimation commands are run Watch Postestimation Selector. Factor variables Automatically create indicators based on categorical variables Form interactions among discrete and continuous variables Include polynomial terms ...
durbina @(对该回归是否具有序列相关进行检验,H0为无序列相关,可根据chi2值求出P值)@ durbina,small @(small可以根据F值求出P值,以代替chi2值)@ durbina,force @(让检验能在robust、neway之后进行)@ durbina,small lag(1/10) @(lag可以求出更高阶滞后的序列相关,如本例中可求出1到10阶的序列相关)@ ...
在Stata 17中,新增了选择项 “ selection(bic) ”,可使用 “贝叶斯信息准则”(Bayesian Information Criterion,简记BIC)选择惩罚参数。而且,新增的估计后命令(postestimation command) bicplot 可以很方便地将此选择过程可视化。 使用Lasso处理聚类数据 。对于“聚类数据”(cluster data),由于每个聚类中观测值存在自相关...
4.moremata library is required since this command use mm quantile func- tion. 5. When there are endogeneous independent variables, endogenous option should be set. For example, if x1 is exogeneous and x2 is endogeneous, the input must be y q x1, endo(x2). ...
A. P. Mander, 2002, Analysis of Quantitative Traits using Regression and Log-linear Modeling when Phase is unknown, Stata Journal, 2(1): 65–70. [pdf] Allen McDowell, 2002, From the Help Desk: Transfer Functions, Stata Journal, 2(1): 71–85. [pdf] Nicholas J. Cox, 2002, Speaking...
In addition, literate package - packages that comment the procedure and structure of the ado files - are specified with a red circle and are excellent materials for learning/improving Stata programming.IntroductionUsing the findit command, Stata can search and install user-written Stata packages on...
enter the help space with the name Stata in the command line window. Enter the screen will show all the contents of this command help file. If you want to know a estimate or some calculations in Stata, but do not know specifically how to achieve, you need to use the search command. ...
S456726 MFX2: Stata module to enhance mfx command for obtaining marginal effects or elasticities after estimation by Richard Williams S456725 DIRIFIT: Stata module to fit a Dirichlet distribution by Maarten L. Buis & Nicholas J. Cox & Stephen P. Jenkins ...
在Stata 17中,新增了选择项 “selection(bic)”,可使用 “贝叶斯信息准则”(Bayesian Information Criterion,简记BIC)选择惩罚参数。而且,新增的估计后命令(postestimation command)bicplot可以很方便地将此选择过程可视化。 使用Lasso处理聚类数据。对于“聚类数据”(cluster data),由于每个聚类中观测值存在自相关,故通常...