Stata好像在台灣用的人不多,網路上看到的中文資料似乎很少,但它真的是個好物啊!如果用SPSS跑了regression之後,還要花很多時間畫成表格,但這點在stata只要下幾個指令就好了,然後就可以輸出成word檔(rtf格式)和excel檔,避免你打錯。 網址:
2009 年 4 月 7 日星期二 Stata: Logistic RegressionWordExcel 這篇是承接上一篇的: Stata: 輸出 regression table 到 word 和 excel Logistic regression 跑出來的東西跟 multiple regression 跑出來的東西有點像,但又有點不太一樣, 在輸出時就得作一些調整。 在 Stata 裡, 如果你要跑 logistic regression,...
stataregressionlogisticexcelesttabword 2009年4月7日星期二Stata:輸出LogisticRegression到Word和Excel這篇是承接上一篇的:Stata:輸出regressiontable到word和excelLogisticregression跑出來的東西跟multipleregression跑出來的東西有點像,但又有點不太一樣,在輸出時就得作一些調整。在Stata裡,如果你要跑logisticregression,要...
在上述命令中,"regression_results.txt"是导出结果的文件名。"excel replace"参数将结果导出为Excel文件,如果文件已存在,则会覆盖。 导出结果后,我们可以在Excel中打开导出的文件进行进一步的分析和展示。导出的结果文件将包含回归系数、标准误差、p值等统计信息。 除了"outreg2"命令,Stata还提供了其他一些命令可以将回...
The output file is tab-delimited and has the extension .out. Open the file in Word, highlight the rows of results, click on Insert, Table, Convert text to table. outreg2 This is an extension of outreg to enhance its capabilities with multiple models and to provide more format options. ...
The esttab command produces a table of regression results that have been stored by the eststor command, or the current results if nothing has been stored. The output table may be tab, csv, rtf, html, or other formats. Tab-delimited format files may be imported into Excel using the Import...
我正在尝试使用命令outreg2将回归结果导出到exceloutreg2 using stock_regression.csv) sdec(4) ctitle(DSUE1) addstat(Adjusted R-squared, e(r2_a)) keep(adsue1) addtext(Time FE, YES) 我如何在Stata中添加回归结果的t值和p值,换句话说,我必须使用哪个e类?
The output file is tab-delimited and has the extension .out. Open the file in Word, highlight the rows of results, click on Insert, Table, Convert text to table. outreg2 This is an extension of outreg to enhance its capabilities with multiple models and to provide more format options. ...
I have been struggling to program Stata to output multivariate regression results into Excel. I'm running a plethora of regressions, so efficiency is important. Manually cutting and pasting from Stata to TextPad to Excel is too slow. Does anyone have any experience automating this annoying task?
Outreg2 is a command in Stata that is used to generate formatted regression tables. It allows users to easily export regression results to a variety of formats, such as Excel, Word, or LaTeX. This command is particularly useful when you want to presentyour regression results in a professional...