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Determinants of digital financial inclusion in terms of access and usage have been calculated using a logistic regression model and the marginal effect which was calculated using Stata software. Estimates in terms of the regression coefficient, significant level, marginal effect, pseudo-R square, and ...
The mixed logit models were estimated using the mixlogit module to derive the regression coefficients, while the WTP module was used to calculate the corresponding marginal Willingness-To-Pay in monetary terms (€) (Hole, 2007), implemented in STATA 18.0 software (StataCorp LP, College Station,...
command you would add a new predictor such as job_prestige*gender. If you are using Stata it is job_prestige#gender. In R I believe it would be job_prestige:gender. Be sure to also include the two individual predictors of the interaction, such as job_prestige and gender, in the model...
If the output of an individual node exceeds the given threshold value, that node is activated and sends data to the next layer of the network. Ridge regression Ridge regression is a method for estimating the multiple-regression models' coefficients when the independent variables are highly ...
Models were weighted to account for non-responses and to ensure findings were representative of the British adult population. Stata software (Release 16, StataCorp LLC., College Station, TX, USA) was used for all analyses, and a significance level of 5% was used [23]. Output for healthiest...
As indicated before, the Probit regression analysis will go further to reveal the main characteristics of these individuals as opposed to factors affecting the likelihood that any given individual is willing to pay or not. Table 1 below provides a description of the responses to the price offers....
The regression coefficient of the carbon emissions trading system policy is significantly negative at the 5% level, indicating that the carbon trading system has a significant effect on carbon emissions reduction in the pilot provinces. Compared with the non-pilot provinces, the carbon trading system ...
Logistic regression analysis can be applied in all three cases. Data analysis was performed using Stata 15. The EXIT variable, the dependent variable in our study, refers to the response to the question “Do you intend to continue farming in the foreseeable future?”. The value assigned for ...