Stata-矩阵输出到excel Stata可以将矩阵输出到excel进行进一步分析 //export the estimators and covariance matrix to excelputexcelset"$output\\estimate_ols_bin_4.xlsx",sheet("betahat")replace putexcel A1=matrix(beta),name//beta是一个定义好的矩阵名,选项name将输出矩阵的行名和列名...
The output is in Excel's xml format. This format allows for a very feature-rich table that takes advantage of many of Excel's capabilities. Here's a simple example. svy, subpop(subpop): mean enerbev1 enerfood1 enertot1 xml_tab e(b), save('d:\statatemp ml_tab.xml') replace ...
The logout command captures the results that are printed to the Results Window (log) and writes them to Excel, Word, or other formats. The success of the formatting in the output file depends on the complexity of the results table you are exporting. Compared with copying from the log by ...
Thelogoutcommand captures the results that are printed to the Results Window (log) and writes them to Excel, Word, or other formats. The success of the formatting in the output file depends on the complexity of the results table you are exporting. Compared with copying from the log by han...
Stata好像在台灣用的人不多,網路上看到的中文資料似乎很少,但它真的是個好物啊!如果用SPSS跑了regression之後,還要花很多時間畫成表格,但這點在stata只要下幾個指令就好了,然後就可以輸出成word檔(rtf格式)和excel檔,避免你打錯。 網址:
FromKit Baum <> Subjectst: Exporting Stata output to MS Excel DateFri, 13 Oct 2006 10:06:02 -0400 © Copyright 1996–2024 StataCorp LLC |Terms of use|Privacy|Contact us|What's new|Site index...
Add to Cart Download Now Add to wishlist This contain the files used in our video and article on exporting Stata output in excel using putexcel commandYou will get a DO (1KB) file Customer Reviews Write a Review There are no reviews yet. ...
解析:该命令将结果导出为Excel文件,非常适合进一步的计算或在报告中直接使用。 使用技巧: 可以使用 keep 或 drop 选项来选择性地导出特定变量的结果。 支持多种模型输出,比如OLS、Probit、Logit等回归类型。 4. unique- 提取唯一值 作者:Tony Brady unique 命令用于提取数据集中唯一的观测值。它在检查数据质量和确保...
我正在尝试将一些回归表从Stata导出到LaTeX。esttab results1 results2 using "$repodir/output/tables/tract_xregs.tex", / 浏览0提问于2019-07-19得票数 2 回答已采纳 2回答 估计分组的多个回归模型,并保存某个参数值 、、、 我在寻找一种方法来估计各种模型(假设10个),并使用stata将每个估计中的某个参...