outreg2 using "regression_results.doc", word replace 其中,using "regression_results.doc"指定了输出文件的名称和格式(Word文档),replace选项表示如果文件已存在则覆盖它。 执行导出命令,完成回归结果的输出: 运行上述outreg2命令后,Stata会将回归结果导出到指定的文件中。你可以在Stata的结果窗口中看到一条消息...
doc, replace stats(coef se) bdec(4) tdec(4) sortvar(lnIS lnHC lnSTI lnSE lnGC) title(Table 7 Regression results of panel threshold models) xthreg lnGTFP lnIS lnHC lnSTI lnSE lnGC, rx(lnMA) qx(u) thnum(2) trim(0.05 0.05) grid(300) bs(300 300) outreg2 using tables/table7...
reg2docx m1 m2 m3 m4 using d:/mytable2.docx,replaceindicate("ind=ind*")drop(x2 x3)scalars(r2(%9.3f)r2_a(%9.2f)N)order(x6 x5)b(%9.3f)///se(%7.2f)title(table2:OLS regression results)mtitles("model 1""model 2"""model 4")*drop(0b.geo2#co.a19 0b.geo2#co.mean_a19)...
In the output above the results are displayed as proportional odds ratios. We would interpret these pretty much as we would odds ratios from a binary logistic regression. Forpared, we would say that for a one unit increase in pared, i.e., going from 0 to 1, the odds of high apply ve...
For all of the following questions, the output syntax (i.e., outreg2, estout, et al.) is not required. (12)The following table shows the baseline estimation results. Please construct a regression model and design a set of syntax to perform the regressions. Interpret the results. [15'] ...
results to excel in stata ologit output excel stata logit output excel stata logistic regression results .csv stata logistic regression coefficient How to export coefficients in STATA getting odds ratio command, star tables in stata export logit regression stata Stata save regression coefficients to ...
This page shows an example multiple regression analysis with footnotes explaining the output. The analysis uses a data file about scores obtained by elementary schools, predicting api00 from ell, meals, yr_rnd, mobility, acs_k3, acs_46, full, emer and enroll using the following Stata commands...
One-sided t tests To perform one-sided tests, you can first perform the corresponding two-sided Wald test. Then you can use the results to calculate the test statistic and p-value for the one-sided test. Let’s say that you perform the following regression:. sysuse auto, clear (1978 ...
S456964 REGSAVE: Stata module to save regression results to a Stata-formatted dataset byJulian Reif S456963 USE10: Stata module to use and describe version 10 datafiles in Stata 9.2 bySergiy Radyakin S456962 RRREG: Stata module to estimate linear probability model for randomized response data ...
. ivreg2h lnjust (lnfacebook= lnsecure10 ) lngdp lntrade lnind africa europe asia nameri > ca samerica , r first Standard IV Results First-stage regressions --- First-stage regression of lnfacebook: Statistics robust to heteroskedasticity Number of obs = 70 --- | Robust lnfacebook |...