Split-LUC作为一种替代方法,能够快速、灵敏地检测植物细胞中可能存在的蛋白互作。它不仅能够定性检测蛋白互作,还可以定量测定蛋白质互作的强度。💡 荧光素酶互补实验(Luciferase Complementation Assay,LCA) 荧光素酶互补实验以萤光素为底物来检测萤光素酶的活性。具体而言,生物体来源的萤光素酶被切成N端和C端两个功能...
Split-luciferase c-myc sensor and uses thereof.A split luciferase-based sensor system was developed to noninvasively monitor and image phosphorylation-mediated c-Myc activation, in which the complementation of the split FL is induced by phosphorylation-mediated interaction between GSK3尾 and c-Myc. ...
interaction of those proteins, luciferase fragments areplaced close to each other and form a complemented lucifer-ase,whichproducesaluminescentsignal.Splitluciferaseisaneffective tool for assaying biochemical metabolites, where adomain or an intact protein is inserted into an internallyfragmented luciferase, ...
2001. Split luciferase as an optical probe for detecting protein-protein interactions in mammalian cells based on protein splicing. Anal. Chem. 73:2516-21T. Ozawa, A. Kaihara, M. Sato, K. Tachihara, Y. Umezawa, Split luciferase as an optical probe for detecting protein-protein interactions ...
The split-luciferase complementation assay makes the study of two or more interacting proteins possible. In this technique, each of the two domains of luciferase is attached to each partner of two interacting proteins. On interaction of those proteins, luciferase fragments are placed close to each ...
The recently established split-luciferase complementation (Split-LUC) imaging assay has several advantages compared to other approaches to detect PPIs in planta: it is a relatively simple and fast method to detect PPIs in vivo; the results are quantitative, with high sensitivity and low background;...
原文链接:Split-luciferase Complementation Imaging Assay to Study Protein-protein Interactions in Nicotiana benthamiana 分裂荧光素酶互补成像分析研究本氏烟草中的蛋白质之间相互作用 Bio-protocol 简介 Bio-protocol于2011年在斯坦福大学创建, 致力于搭建全球权威的、高质量的生物实验方案分享平台,以助力科学发现。Bio-...
protein trans-splicing necrosis imaging reporter split-luciferase reconstitution bioluminescent imaging Introduction Necrosis is a form of cell death that is biochemically uncontrolled and caused by internal or external stresses, such as mechanical stimuli, chemical agents, or pathogens, unlike apoptosis, whi...
There are comments on PubPeer for publication: Novel split-luciferase-based genetically encoded biosensors for noninvasive visualization of Rho GTPases (2013)
We describe a new method for detecting protein-protein interactions in intact mammalian cells; the approach is based on protein splicing-induced complementation of rationally designed fragments of firefly luciferase. The protein splicing is a posttranslational protein modification through which inteins (inte...