图6. 空间转录组测序技术的原理 该论文的通讯作者Joakim Lundeberg也是瑞典Spatial Transcriptomics公司的联合创始人之一,2018年底10X Genomics宣布收购Spatial Transcriptomics,并于2019年发布Visium空间基因表达解决方案(Visium Spatial Gene Expression Solution)。 02、10X Genomics Visium空间转录组技术 1、技术原理 将冰冻组...
今年3月 Nature子刊《Nature Methods》发表了一篇关于空间转录组学的全面综述:Museum of spatial transcriptomics,作者对1987年以来有关空间转录组学的文献进行了整理回顾,并对该领域的趋势进行了深入分析,如…
Transcriptomic analysis only reveals one aspect of cellular function. Spatial multi-omics is a technique that combines spatial transcriptomics with other omics modalities to reveal the multiple layers of cell function. Several methods have been developed to achieve comprehensive spatially resolved molecular ...
对于两年以上的甲醛固定石蜡包埋(FFPE)样本,选择哪种空间转录组测序(Spatial transcriptomics)技术取决于几个关键因素,包括样本的保存状态、研究目的和可用技术的特点。[1] 下面简要分析几种主流技术的适用性: 1. NanoString GeoMx DSP: - 优点:NanoString的GeoMx Digital Spatial Profiler非常适合于FFPE样本,因为它不依...
Spatial transcriptomic approaches, such as SPATiAL, use spotted arrays with positional molecular barcodes that tag cDNA synthesized in intact tissue sections with a spatial location allowing gene expression to be mapped back to a histological image (i.e., specific cortical layers). Parallel sc/sn ...
Fig. 1: Spatial transcriptomics resolves the engram assembly and memory-associated genes. a, Experimental scheme for tracing engram cells in a fear conditioning model. Active cells during the return phase were permanently tagged with tdTomato and used for differential analyses of engram cells. 4-OHT...
While spatial transcriptomics offer valuable insights into gene expression patterns within the spatial context of tissue, many technologies do not have a single-cell resolution. Here, we present SMART, a marker gene-assisted deconvolution method that simultaneously infers the cell type-specific gene expr...
The power of spatial transcriptomics Discover what's possible with spatial transcriptomics, including the additional depth it can add to single cell research projects, through these high-impact publications. Read now Human liver cancer; Visium Spatial ...
Spatial transcriptomics (ST) is an emerging field that combines spatial information with transcriptomic data to provide a more comprehensive understanding of gene expression within the context of tissue architecture. This innovative approach has revolutionized the study of complex biological systems, allowing...
Spatial transcriptomics represents a state-of-the-art profiling technique that enables the sequencing of total mRNA in fresh frozen tissues while simultaneously mapping these transcripts to their corresponding tissue positions using unique barcodes to identify spatial gene expression patterns. The first spat...