比如The thief jerked the purse away from her. (小偷猛然一下从她那儿把包抢走),跟 snatch 用法类似,只不过力气可能要更大一些。 jerk 对应的是挺举第二步的动作,即“迅速把杠铃从肩颈部猛举过头顶”这一动作。 所以,大家明白为什么“挺...
Snatch是抓举,Clean and jerk是挺举。这两个动作是奥运会举重比赛项目,融入柔软度,爆发力,技巧性特点。对力量技巧性项目也很有帮助,不要只会卧推或深蹲。 //@运动医学诊所:目前很多竞技运动的教练员也没把这三个动作搞清楚如何做?动作叫?抓举、挺举、高翻?还是自己命名的其他名称?你说说!
比如The thief jerked the purse away from her. (小偷猛然一下从她那儿把包抢走),跟 snatch 用法类似,只不过力气可能要更大一些。 jerk 对应的是挺举第二步的动作,即“迅速把杠铃从肩颈部猛举过头顶”这一动作。 所以,大家明白为什么“挺举”的英语叫 clean and jerk 了吧? 练举重很不易,多年的艰苦训练,...
比如The thief jerked the purse away from her. (小偷猛然一下从她那儿把包抢走),跟 snatch 用法类似,只不过力气可能要更大一些。 jerk 对应的是挺举第二步的动作,即“迅速把杠铃从肩颈部猛举过头顶”这一动作。 所以,大家明白为什么“挺举”的英语叫 clean and jerk 了吧? 练举重很不易,多年的艰苦训练,...
抓举挺举(Thesnatch,cleanandjerk) Swedishexpertshavedevelopedatrainingprogramforthree differentagelifters,aged15,15~17and17~20.Theathletes trainedatleast6~12monthsoftraining.Theperiodicfactors oftraining(3~5timesaweek)havebeentakenintoaccountwhen
By Mike Stone, PhDIntroductionThe sport of weightlifting contests two lifts - the snatch and the clean and jerk. In the snatch (Figure 1) the bar is pulled overhead in one movement; generally the lifter will squat under the bar when catching it overhead. After catching the bar overhead ...
英国人称自己的举重方式为“clean”,意在强调其干净、优雅且高效。至于“jerk”,则是挺举第二步的关键动作,表示迅速将杠铃从肩颈部举起的动作。至此,我们可以理解为什么“挺举”在英文中被称为“clean and jerk”了。举重是一项艰苦的训练,运动员需要付出多年努力,甚至牺牲体型,才能达到“力拔山兮...
Once you have secured control of the barbell, stand erect, extending your knees and hips. the bar must always stay directly over your ankles and hips. Like the clean and jerk, the snatch is not considered complete until the lifter is completely motionless. you should ...
Snatch With Clean Jerk 抓举和挺举 two hands snatch 两臂抓举 双语例句: Wang lifted 92.5 kg in the snatch, then twice set records in the clean and jerk . 王在抓举比赛中举起了92.5公斤,在挺举比赛中2次刷新世界纪录。 The snatch is technically more challenging than the clean and jerk . Snatch ...
Snatch With Clean Jerk 抓举和挺举 two hands snatch 两臂抓举 双语例句: Wang lifted 92.5 kg in the snatch, then twice set records in the clean and jerk . 王在抓举比赛中举起了92.5公斤,在挺举比赛中2次刷新世界纪录。 The snatch is technically more challenging than the clean and jerk . Snatch ...