药品百科 首页/靶向药/ SN-38 药物类型: 适应症: 靶点: 是否上市:临床中 研发公司:(丹麦) 说明书: 简介(概括) 详细说明书 临床指南 基因与耐药 副作用与并发症 药品百科
通过抑制 SN-38 葡萄糖醛酸苷的形成,对伊立替康进行体外代谢生物调节,以提高药效并降低剂量限制毒性。| Crane, RA., et al. 2022. Drug Metab Pers Ther. 37: 295-303. PMID: 35257538 在体外肠粘膜炎模型中,半合成类黄酮 2',3',4'-三羟黄酮(2-D08)可抑制 SN-38 和细胞因子诱发的上皮屏障通透性增...
CAS编号:121080-63-5 分子式:C28H28N2O11 分子量:568.53 PubChem编号:443154 货号(SKU)包装规格是否现货价格数量 S335764-1mg 1mg现货 原价:¥9,699.90 +- 大包装询价添加到收藏夹比较SDS中文版DATASHEET 查看相关系列 Drug Metabolite (242)Metabolic Enzyme/Protease (4879)所有研究领域 ...
Our core business is to supply quality reference standard materials, high purity bio-chem reagents and technical consultancy to laboratories, universities, research institutions, hospitals, pharmaceutical companies, and drug manufacturers. These products can be supplied in quantities from a few milligrams ...
Pure drug nanocrystalsB3Drug delivery systemCancer therapyANTITUMOR-ACTIVITYCarrier-free drug nanoparticles are a promising drug delivery system for cancer therapy; however, the fabrication of nanoparticles composed of small molecule drugs is challenging. In this study, we fabricated pure drug nanocrystals,...
However, researchers do not recommend SN-38 as an anticancer drug directly in humans, owing to its poor solubility. In a comparative study of SN-38 with a potent chemotherapeutic prodrug, irinotecan (CPT-11), SN-38 was found to be 1000-fold more cytotoxic against colorectal cancer cells as...
中文名:CL2A-SN-38,英文名:CL2A-SN-38,CAS:1004548-96-2,CL2A-SN-38 是 drug-linker conjugate,由 linker CL2A 和 毒性分子 SN-38 连接而成的,可用来制备抗体偶联药物。CL2A-SN-38 针对人类实体瘤表现出特异性的抗肿瘤作用。SN-38 是一种 DNA Topoisomerase I 抑制剂。CL2
Related Compound LibrariesFDA-approved Drug LibraryNatural Product LibraryApoptosis Compound LibraryDNA Damage/DNA Repair compound LibraryCell Cycle compound library Click to Expand Cell Data Cell LinesAssay TypeConcentrationIncubation TimeFormulationActivity DescriptionPMID ...
[0200]采用DAS2.0程序(Drug And Statistics for Windows)对SN-38-Sol组和SN-38-PLGA-MS组中SN-38在肿瘤组织中的浓度测定结果进行处理,进而得到药动学参数。 [0201] 1.5血药浓度测定 [0202]对血浆样品进行预处理,比较两种制剂中SN-38渗漏于血浆中的程度。
[5] K.M. Fenn, K. Kalinsky, Sacituzumab govitecan: antibody-drug conjugate in triple-negative breast cancer and other solid tumors, Drugs Today 55 (2019) 575, https:// doi.org/10.1358/dot.2019.55.9.3039669. [...