图3. 在低起始量时,SMART-Seq Stranded Kit和Pico v2的比较 Panel A.以人脑总RNA (50 pg-10 ng)起始,分别使用SMART- Seq Stranded Kit和SMARTer Stranded Total RNA-Seq Kit v2 -Pico Input Mammalian (Pico v2)制备RNA-Seq文库(均做三次重复)。从测序数据随机抽取250万paired-end reads进行生物学信息分析。
Clontech, a wholly-owned subsidiary of Takara Bio of Japan, said it continues to develop related technologies, such as the recently launched DNA SMART kit for ChIP-seq library construction from low-input double-stranded and single-stranded DNA templates....
The protocol described in this user manual has been optimized for cDNA synthesis using the SMART-Seq v4 Ultra Low Input RNA Kit for Sequencing only. If you are using a previous generation of the SMARTer Ultra Low kit, please refer to its user manual; manuals are available at www.takarabio...
Current single-cell RNA sequencing (scRNA-seq) methods with high cellular throughputs sacrifice full-transcript coverage and often sensitivity. Here we describe Smart-seq3xpress, which miniaturizes and streamlines the Smart-seq3 protocol to substantially
Library complexity is preserved from as little as 500 pg of double-stranded or single-stranded input DNA. The kit utilizes Clontech’s DNA SMART technology; sequencing libraries are generated without the need for enzymatic cleanup or adapter ligations. All of the necessary reagents for producing ...