The isolated fungal cells are free of contaminants from the host plants, and remain viable, providing high-quality RNA for library construction. This method can be modified to isolate the infection structures of many other plant pathogens from plant tissue....
BMC Molecular Biol (2017) 18:22 DOI 10.1186/s12867-017-0099-7 BMC Molecular Biology METHODOLOGY ARTICLE Open Access An optimised protocol for isolation of RNA from small sections of laser‑capture microdissected FFPE tissue amenable for next‑generation sequencing Parisa Amini1†...
Synonyms:Tissue, Total RNA Northern Blot, Human Fetal Normal, Blot II, heart kidney, skin, small intestine CAS: MF: MW:0 EINECS: Mol File:Mol File Browse by Nationality Suppliers>Global suppliers Please select the suppliers Recommend You Select Member Companies...
China to validate the expression levels of miR156g-5p and two SPL genes targeted by it using the quantitative real-time PCR (qRT-PCR) experiments. The roots collected were frozen in liquid nitrogen immediately. For total RNA isolation, the samples were thawed at room temperature and homogenized...
Total RNA extraction and size fractionated small RNA isolation Total RNA was extracted as described elsewhere [57]. Briefly, mycelia and appressoria tissues were harvested and immediately placed into a mortar containing liquid N2and ground with a pestle. Powdered tissue was placed into an RNase fre...
Insecticidal fungi represent a promising alternative to chemical pesticides for disease vector control. Here, we show that the pathogenic fungus Beauveria bassiana exports a microRNA-like RNA (bba-milR1) that hijacks the host RNA-interference machinery i
ChemicalBook 致力于为化学行业用户提供Tissue, Total RNA Northern Blot, Human Fetal Normal, Blot II, heart kidney, skin, small intestine的性质、化学式、分子式、比重、密度,同时也包括Tissue, Total RNA Northern Blot, Human Fetal Normal, Blot II, heart kidney,
RNA实验用的器具建议专门使用,不要用于其他实验。 【试剂配制】 用于RNA实验的试剂,须使用干热灭菌(180℃,60分钟)或使用上述方法进行DEPC水处理灭菌后的 玻璃容器盛装(也可以使用RNA实验用的一次性塑料容器),使用的无菌水须用0.1%的DEPC处理后再 进行高温高压灭菌。
aeruginosa-infected wound tissues (n = 3 animals) were carefully excised from the surrounding uninfected tissue and the underneath muscle layer at 48 h post-infection (without GH or cis-DA treatment) as a comparison. Infected wound tissues were immediately placed in RNAlater (Thermo ...
To screen out key genes related toC. sinensisadministration against NSCLC, we carried out RNA sequencing (RNA-Seq) on samples of murine lung cancer tissue from animals in the control, model, and BH groups. As shown in Fig.3A, B (the volcano map), there were different amounts of DEGs am...