滑动模式控制sliding mode control.pdf,滑動模式控制 Sliding mode control T. C. Kuo 可變結構控制 Variable structure control 可變結構控制是先使受控系統產生兩個以 上的子系統,再利用一些刻意加入的切換 條件來達成控制目標的一種技術。 起源:1950 蘇聯
Sliding Mode Control in Electro-Mechanical Systems..pdf,,Sliding,Mode,Control,in,Electro-Mechanical,Systems..pdf
想想之前最开始听到滑模控制,感觉怪怪的,可能是联想到了滑膜,比如膝盖的滑膜炎。。。 DR_CAN:bilibili.com/video/BV1K 滑模控制 sliding mode control 上一讲,up讲了参数a是未知的,但是a是一个常值的情况,我们如何去自适应a。 这一讲,条件更苛刻了,当a不再是常数,是变化的,不过是有界的的情况,如何去设计...
模式控制slidingmodecontrol滑动此平面 滑動模式控制 Slidingmodecontrol T.C.Kuo 2 可變結構控制 Variablestructurecontrol 可變結構控制是先使受控系統產生兩個以 上的子系統,再利用一些刻意加入的切換 條件來達成控制目標的一種技術。 起源:1950 蘇聯學者提出:Itkis,Ukin 3 可變結構控制 重要文獻 ※...
This study addresses the resilient sliding mode control (SMC) problem for two-dimensional cyber-physical systems (2D CPSs) characterized by the Roesser model under denial-of-service attack (DoS-A), which can interfere with signal transmission over the communication network. First, the DoS-A model...
(1999). Sliding mode control of a car-like mobile robot using single-track dynamic model. In: Young, K., Özgüner, Ü. (eds) Variable structure systems, sliding mode and nonlinear control. Lecture Notes in Control and Information Sciences, vol 247. Springer, London. https://doi.org/...
fractional-order fast terminal sliding mode control for a class of dynamical systems英文精品课件.pdf,Hindawi Publishing Corporation Mathematical Problems in Engineering Volume 2013, Article ID 384921, 10 pages /10.1155/2013/384921 Research Article Fracti
In the formation of any control problem there will be discrepancies between the actual plant and the mathematical model for controller design. Sliding mode control theory seeks to produce controllers to over some such mismatches. This text provides the reader with a grounding in sliding mode control...
This paper presents the development of the model, dynamics and an adaptive sliding mode control of new self-reconfigurable robotic systems. These robotic systems combine as many properties of different open kinematic structures as possible and can be used for a variety of applications. The kinematic...
Sliding-Mode Control