Visual SLAM in Human Populated Environments: Exploring the Trade-off between Accuracy and Speed of YOLO and Mask R-CNN Soares, Joao Carlos Virgolino, Marcelo Gattass, and Marco Antonio Meggiolaro. "Visual SLAM in human populated environments: exploring the trade-off betweenaccuracyand speed of Y...
全新升级的Prometheus 230科研无人机(简称P230)是一款专为科研工作者及开发者设计的小型(250mm轴距)无人机实验平台。机载计算机升级为算力100TOPS的Allspark2-Orin NX,结合Prometheus自主无人机开源项目和Prometheus专业版地面站等软件,可实现室内(拒止)环境下视觉定位、视觉避障、YOLO点击跟踪等功能。 功能介绍 <<< ...
本文介绍了将YOLOv5s添加至ORB-SLAM3的目标检测模块,并进行了改进,1.选取PP-LCNet网络替换YOLOv5s的Backbone主干网络,将其轻量化处理,2.在ORB-SLAM3运用LK光流法进行改进3..提出了一种改进的动态特征点检测剔除策略 选择YOLOv5s改进原因:YOLOv5s 是深度最小,特征图宽度最小的网络模型,该模型运行速度最快、参数...
同时定位和地图构建(SLAM) yolov3 yolov4 研究生选方向,slam和yolo哪一个更有发展前景? 关注问题写回答 邀请回答 好问题 1 知乎· 3 个回答 · 7 关注 王友初 数字化工业创业者关注 1 人赞同了该回答 建议SLam 发布于 2022-06-25 08:57・IP 属地广东 1 台媒称知名作家琼瑶在家自杀,...
This is a RGBD SLAM system developed based on ORB-SLAM2. I tried to develop a SLAM system that can work in both dynamic environment and low-texture environment. This system use YOLO-fastest to remove moving human in the environment and use CAPE plane detection to extract plane features. Thi...
Combine YOLO2 and ORBSLAM2. Contribute to qixuxiang/My-SLAM development by creating an account on GitHub.
YOLO+动态SLAM稠密建图 目前目标检测还是采用txt文件离线处理,第一次做还有所不足,欢迎大家一起讨论学习
墨菲安全对开源项目YWL0720/YOLO_ORB_SLAM3进行了软件成分分析,发现引入开源组件 1 个,相关许可证 0 类,其中存在漏洞的缺陷组件 0 个。 安全风险信息 目前暂未识别到安全风险,安全风险后续仍需持续关注。 许可证合规风险信息 项目中涉及到的许可证类型:0 种; ...
However, the traditional SLAM systems rely on the static environment assumption, which becomes unstable for the dynamic environment and further limits the real-world practical applications. To deal with the problem, this paper presents a dynamic-environment-robust visual SLAM system named YOLO-SLAM. ...