wherein defined monitoring points in time and concentration of the drug substances are set; generating a single cell library after exposure to drug substances; performing single cell RNA sequencing of the single cell libraries on a plurality of genes of the individually sorted cells from the cell ...
Since the first publication a decade ago describing the use of single-cell RNA sequencing (scRNA-...
单细胞RNA测序(scRNA-seq )是一个飞速发展的领域,该技术帮助科研人员从一堆细胞(bulk)水平精细到单细胞(single-cell)水平研究基因的表达状态,从而可以更加精细的刻画科研对象的分子状态(例如细胞图谱,表达特征等)。目前该领域涌现了一大批用于单细胞RNA测序分析的方法,随着越来越多方法的出现,如何选择和组合使用这些...
然而,bulk RNA测序不能反映单细胞水平的转录组,只能反映总体平均RNA表达(自从用了这个神器,大规模RNA-seq数据挖掘我也可以)。 正常人肾脏的全面细胞解剖结构对于解决肾脏疾病和肾癌的细胞起源至关重要。一些肾脏疾病可能是细胞类型特异性的,尤其是肾小管细胞。为了研究人肾脏的分类和转录组信息,作者迅速获得了肾脏的单...
Single-cell RNA sequencing reveals midbrain dopamine neuron diversity emerging during mouse brain development[J]. Nat Commun. 2019 Feb 4;10(1):581.(IF=12.353) [5] Bartoschek M, Oskolkov N, Bocci M, et al. Spatially and functionally distinct subclasses of breast cancer-associated fibroblasts...
在文章Single-cell RNA sequencing of human kidney中,作者介绍了来自三个人类供体肾脏的23,366个高质量细胞的scRNA-seq数据,并将正常人肾细胞划分为10个clusters。其中,近端肾小管(PT)细胞被分为三个亚型,而集合导管细胞被分为两个亚型。该数据为肾细胞生物学和肾脏疾病的研究提供了可靠的参考。
复现原文(一):Single-cell RNA sequencing of human kidney(step by step),Nature重磅综述|关于RNA-seq你想知道的全在这)、ChIP-seq分析 (ChIP-seq基本分析流程)、单细胞测序分析 (重磅综述:三万字长文读懂单细胞RNA测序分析的最佳实践教程(原理、代码和评述))
Quartz-Seq2: a high-throughput single-cell RNA-sequencing method that effectively uses limited sequence reads[J]. Genome Biology, 2018, 19(1):29. 5. Nakamura T , Yabuta Y , Okamoto I , et al. SC3-seq: a method for highly parallel and quantitative measurement of single-cell gene ...
part/2 the rapid development of single-cell sequencing technologies provides unprecedented resolutions to study the dynamical process of cell-state transitions during development and complex disease. mathematically, the transitions can be mod...
单细胞RNA测序(single-cell RNA sequencing,scRNA-seq)技术作为一项革命性工具,在单细胞水平上对转录组进行分析,已经被广泛用于多个方面的生物医学研究,包括肿瘤异质性研究、新细胞类型的鉴定、组织发育与细胞分化过程研究和基因调控网络研究等。通过scRNA-seq获得高通量的单细胞转录组数据后,利用原位组织学验证是目前流行...