Single-Leg Squat Assessment单脚半蹲评估(下图为动作的起始位置) 首先支撑脚膝盖微弯,膝盖弯曲方向朝向脚趾第2和3脚趾,保持两侧肩膀在同一个水平,双手叉腰,开始往下半蹲(squat),单脚执行五次动态的下蹲后交换边再次执行~ 广告 --- 检...
Note the leg that was tested. scoring: clinical observation usually involves assessment of knee and hip stability. In the single leg squat test which was once performed at NHL combine, each player must perform five successive repetitions on each leg, with each squat worth 15 points with a ...
评估标准:单腿蹲(SINGLE-LEG SQUAT) 单腿蹲(Single-Leg Squat)用来评估动态柔韧度、核心肌力、平稳及整体神经肌肉控制。 动作要点: 1.双手扶腰,双眼目视前方。支撑脚朝前,足、踝、膝和腰椎-骨盆-髋关节复合体保持在中立位。 2.慢慢下蹲到一个舒适的角度,然后回到起始姿势。 3.重复动作5次后换边。 查看一下...
Single leg mini squat: an inter-tester reproducibility study of children in the age of 9–10 and 12–14 years presented by various methods of kappa calculation. BMC Musculoskelet Disord. 2012;13:203. CentralJunge T, Balsnes S, Runge L, et al. Single leg mini squat: an inter-tester ...
Single-Leg Squat Assessment单脚半蹲评估(下图为动作的起始位置) 首先支撑脚膝盖微弯,膝盖弯曲方向朝向脚趾第2和3脚趾,保持两侧肩膀在同一个水平,双手叉腰,开始往下半蹲(squat),单脚执行五次动态的下蹲后交换边再次执行~ 检查几个重点: 1.膝盖是否能够在下蹲的时候朝向2、3脚趾尖(膝盖是否往内夹?) ...
SINGLE LEG SQUAT代偿情况表: 在Men’s Health的网站「Muscle Building – Balance of Power」一文中有谈到了这个测试动作,若当你进行单脚深蹲时,进行深蹲的那只脚,膝盖会往脚的大拇指内倾时,原因在于髋内收肌(Hip Adductors)太紧,臀中肌(Gluteus Medius)太弱。
Return to the upright position with the goal of keeping all the body weight on the stance side and not touching the swinging foot on the ground. On the next repetition, perform a single leg squat while attempting to lightly touch the kettle bells to the floor. Return to the upright positio...
Single leg squat test— functional leg strength test in which participants squat down until about 60° knee flexion. 1RM Squat test Chair Stand— stand up repeatedly from a chair for 30 seconds Home squat test— perform as many squats as you can ...
The single-leg squat is a challenging body-weight movement requiring a combination of balance, coordination, strength, and flexibility. This highly athletic version of the basic squat is worth the investment of time and energy required to develop it. ...
SINGLE LEG SQUAT代偿情况表: 在Men’s Health的网站「Muscle Building – Balance of Power」一文中有谈到了这个测试动作,若当你进行单脚深蹲时,进行深蹲的那只脚,膝盖会往脚的大拇指内倾时,原因在于髋内收肌(Hip Adductors)太紧,臀中肌(Gluteus Medius)太弱。