This paper presents the experimental data about SiN and SiO2 etching by SF6/H2/Ar/He plasma discharge. It has been shown that SiN etch rate increases if add small amount of He (less than 5 sccm) into the discharge. The SiO2 etch rate does not depend on He content in the plasma dischar...
The etch selectivity among silicon nitride (SiN), silicon dioxide (SiO2) and poly-Si films using CH2FCHF2 plasma mixed with O2 and Ar was investigated. The effects of the CH2FCHF2 and O2 partial pressures on the composition of CHF2 and CH2F ions, which were measured with a quadrupole ...
1.Benefits of a Contact Etch Stop Layer(CESL).2.Requirements and options for its removal.2.1 Ultra diluted HF at high temperature as an alternative solution.3.Results of SiN etch in HT udHF and it's selectivity towards SiO2.4.Selectivity of HT udHF towards the contact materials.5.MR CTL...