Ielts Writing Task 1 Simon IELTSWriting Task 1SimonContents 1. Line graph 2 1.1. Tips for Line graph 2 1.2. Internet Users as percentage of population 3 1.3. Internatioal migration in UK 4 1.4. UK acid rain emission 5 1.5. Water consumption 6 1.6. Car ownership 7 2. Bar chart 8 2.1...
writing scor e. 2. IELTS Writing Task 2: how to write an introduction For IELTS Writing Task 2, keep your introduction short and simple. Dont waste time writing a long introduction; the main body paragraphs are more important. A good IELTS Writing introduction needs only 2 things: 1.A ...
He describes the technique in chapter 2, paragraph 6 of his autobiography, which you can read here. 1.Wednesday, August 18, 2010 1 / 55 更多雅思托福资料下载请加qq群:1025697122 IELTS Writing Task 2: full essay Usually I suggest writing 4 paragraphs for task 2. However, sometimes it might ...
资料详解雅思simon ielts.pdf,Try practicing in the following way: First, note some ideas. Then record yourself speaking for two minutes. Next, listen to the recording and write down what you said. Finally, try to improve the written description. Here are
回复【09】领《IELTS-Writing-Band-9-Essays》 作为雅思的前考官,Simon老师深知雅思的规则和备考重点,他的雅思干货被无数考鸭所阅读学习,造福了一届又一届的雅思学子! 本期文章学姐就把以往收集到的Simon资料全部分享给大家,让大家...
## Navigating the Labyrinth: A Deep Dive into Simon's IELTS Writing Samples Simon's IELTS writing samples have become a cornerstone for countless students striving to achieve their desired band score. His meticulous analysis and insightful commentary offer a valuable lens through which to dissect th...
(199 words, band 9) IELTS Writing Task 1: pie chart answer The pie charts below show how dangerous waste products are dealt with in three countries. 范文: The charts compare Korea, Sweden and the UK in terms of the methods used in each country to dispose of harmful waste. It is clear...
(197 words, band 9) === IELTS Writing Task 1: 'living alone' charts The bar chart below shows the proportions of English men and women of different ages who were living alone in 2011. The pie chart compares the numbers of bedrooms in these one-person households. Living alone in England...
参考书 ielts writing task 1 task 2 by simon braveman 话题相关范文+表达 ielts band 9 vocab secrets - your key to band 9 topic vocabulary by jessica alperne peter swires 【VOCAB在线文档】