Ielts Essay Simon Band 9 Please note: the followingessayswould all achieveIELTSband9. 1. DiscussionEssaySome people believe that there should be fixed punishments for each type of crime. Others‚ however‚ argue that the circumstances of an individual crime‚ and the motivation for committing...
雅思词汇量还可以的考鸭,但就是写不出高分的作文,这种情况比比皆是,今天就来帮大家解决这个问题。 《IELTS-Writing-Band-9-Essays》这本雅思写作书教考鸭如何用最简单、最少的词汇写出高分甚至满分作文~ 该书是由高材生母语人所撰写的高质量复论文,一共40篇。看过这本书的考鸭,都对其中的内容大跌眼镜,纷纷赞...
- IELTS essays (Writing task 2_ Band 9) 2010-2015 下载积分: 1000 内容提示: 9 band essays from compiled by Bahriddin 1. Some people think that strict punishments for driving offences are the key to reducing traffic accidents. Others, however, believe that other measures ...
《Simon-Ielts Writing Essays 雅思9分范文》由程琳壮士创作,目前已更新13个节目,包含雅思词组 subjects:useful or preferred、雅思作文 Choose subjects:useful or preferred、雅思词语 locally produced vs foreign films、雅思词组 businesses social obligations、雅
Simon-Ielts Writing Essays 雅思9分范文 2388131免费订阅 雅思词组 subjects:useful or preferred 50002:10 雅思作文 Choose subjects:useful or preferred 23802:59 雅思词语 locally produced vs foreign films 13002:44 雅思词组 businesses social obligations 14401:41 雅思作文 businesses social responsibilities 20102...
With “IELTS Writing band 9 “, now you can prepare IELTS Writing anytime anywhere on the go, it makes your every minute count. All these essays are written by Simon Corcoran (an ex-IELTS examiner and I now run IELTS exam preparation courses in Manchester). He is familiar with the main...
IELTS Practice Online – prepare for IELTS examination. IELTS Reading and Listening, Writing Task 1,Writing Task 2, Tips, Questions, Essays….
With “IELTS Writing band 9 “, now you can prepare IELTS Writing anytime anywhere on the go, it makes your every minute count. All these essays are written by Simon Corcoran (an ex-IELTS examiner and I now run IELTS exam preparation courses in Manchester). He is familiar with the main...
They also get suggestions, tips to improve their band score. Developed by Barath Sekar and powered by Acquire Job Skills. essays essayscoring essay-analyser ielts-writing ielts-learning ielts-exam Updated Jul 9, 2021 IELTScanopy / IELTScanopy Star 1 Code Issues Pull requests IELTScanopy is...
Daily IELTS lessons with Simon, ex-IELTS examiner. IELTS writing, reading, speaking and listening. IELTS topics, vocabulary and grammar.