IELTS Writing – Band 9 IELTS Sample EssaysIELTS Essay Samples of Band 9 27 Comments IELTS Essays - Band 9, IELTS Writing Samples Last updated: May 3, 2023 Here you can find IELTS Essay samples of Band 9, written by a native English speaker and a former IELTS examiner. Robert Nicholson ...
Take a look at these 35 sample Band 9 IELTS essays for writing task 2 of theIELTS exam. Task 2 can cover a wide range of essay topics for the IELTS writing task section of the test, so preparation is key. Use the following samples when preparing your IELTS essays to see how close yo...
Below are IELTS Band 9 Essay samples, written by a native English speaker and former IELTS examiner. Robert Nicholson is the co-author of 'High Scorer's Choice' IELTS Practice Tests book series, created in collaboration with Simone Braverman, the founder
One does not expect to find grammatical mistakes in anIELTS band 9 letters. If an error occurs, it is likely an error of speed or a mistake that a native speaker might make. If you had to pick out keywords from each criterion, they would befully, naturalandwide range.In contrast, the...
32IELTS ESSAYSAMPLESBand 9 阅读了该文档的用户还阅读了这些文档 311 p. What's the Matter With Batman_ An Unauthorized Clini the Mask of the Caped Crusader - Robin S. Rosenberg 158 p. Vacancy & Ariel - Lucius Shepard 278 p. Sweet Tomorrows_ A Rose Harbor Novel - Debbie Macomber ...
Looking to score a Band 9 in IELTS Writing Task 2? Check out these IELTS Band 9 essay samples that showcase the structure, vocabulary, and techniques needed to achieve the highest score. IELTS Band 9 Essay Sample 1: Some people choose to eat no meat or fish. They believe that this is...
最大的感受就是更加了解什么是“academic writing”了。 学术写作要求: ①准确(意味着不可以用修辞手法,例如夸张) ②客观(使用中立的词汇,不带情感色彩的词汇)因此,要避免使用“in my opinion”等诸如此类的短语。 ③要有“thesis statement”(In this essay, …will b... (展开) ...
Ielts Essay Simon Band 9 Please note: the followingessayswould all achieveIELTSband9. 1. DiscussionEssaySome people believe that there should be fixed punishments for each type of crime. Others‚ however‚ argue that the circumstances of an individual crime‚ and the motivation for committing...
雅思词汇量还可以的考鸭,但就是写不出高分的作文,这种情况比比皆是,今天就来帮大家解决这个问题。 《IELTS-Writing-Band-9-Essays》这本雅思写作书教考鸭如何用最简单、最少的词汇写出高分甚至满分作文~ 该书是由高材生母语人所撰写的高质量复论文,一共40篇。看过这本书的考鸭,都对其中的内容大跌眼镜,纷纷赞...
Today we’re going to look at a discussion essay IELTS sample that’s considered Band 9. This Band 9 scored essay matched the pattern for the “discussion” type of Writing Task 2 question. Discussion essays are sometimes also called “discuss both sides” essays. In this kind of essay, ...