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考试中,最折磨人的当属写作了,不仅要求1个小时快马加鞭地写完两篇作文,更要求在task2 的大作文中有自己逻辑和论证结构。 大多数同学给雅思爸爸连续上贡多次,还是落得一个“总分好不容易过了,写作小分不够,继续重考”的下场,让人窒息。 学姐特地为大家分享了雅思神作《IELTS WRITINGBAND 9 ESSAYS》。 此书又被...
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The templates for writing task 2 pdf isn’t an any different. Dealing with it using digital tools is different from doing so in the physical world. An eDocument can be viewed as legally binding given that specific requirements are satisfied. They are especially crucial when it comes to ...
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the writing test. This is because few people understand the different types of Task 2 essay, and few people take the time to read examples of high quality Task 2 essays before they take the exam. We are here to help! In this book we show y ...
“IELTS Writing band 9“ is a perfect tool for you to prepare your IELTS Writing test. The aim of this App is to provide band 9 essays about the IELTS Writing, an…