Daily IELTS lessons with Simon, ex-IELTS examiner. IELTS writing, reading, speaking and listening. IELTS topics, vocabulary and grammar.
IELTS-Simon-Writing-Task1-General-part-1 12:01 IELTS-Simon-Writing-Task1-General-part-2 12:35 IELTS-Simon-Writing-Task1-General-part-3 12:53 IELTS-Simon-Writing-Task1-General-part-4 12:44 IELTS-Simon-Writing-Task1-General-part-5 10:14 2:08:33 【雅思备考】G类 |(持续更新)这估计是...
IELTS-Simon-Writing-Task1-General-part-1 12:01 IELTS-Simon-Writing-Task1-General-part-2 12:35 IELTS-Simon-Writing-Task1-General-part-3 12:53 IELTS-Simon-Writing-Task1-General-part-4 12:44 IELTS-Simon-Writing-Task1-General-part-5 10:14 Group9120 - 雅思口语模考与分析 - 2022.6.24 3.7...
IELTSWritingTask1--bysimon IELTS Writing Task 1: describe a process Here is some more advice for describing a process diagram. The question I'm using comes from Cambridge IELTS 6. It's also on this website(go down the page to test 3). Advice: 1.Introduction: paraphrase the question ...
Ielts Writing Task 1 Simon IELTSWriting Task 1SimonContents 1. Line graph 2 1.1. Tips for Line graph 2 1.2. Internet Users as percentage of population 3 1.3. Internatioal migration in UK 4 1.4. UK acid rain emission 5 1.5. Water consumption 6 1.6. Car ownership 7 2. Bar chart 8 2.1...
Simon IELTS writing task 2: full essay —— 2-part question pan003 Writing Task2 - IELTS - Simon_哔哩哔哩_bilibili回顾:pan003:Simon IELTS writing task 2: introductions two-part question what: similar to the "problem and solution" question. you just get two questions you have to answereg...
Writing Task2 - IELTS - Simon_哔哩哔哩_bilibili 回顾:pan003:Simon IELTS writing task 2: introductions opinion: the most difficult type: having various choices of how to answer eg. some people believe that unpaid [community service] should be a compulsory part of high school programs. To what...
Writing task 1-IELTS-SIMON Writing task 1 1.Last month you had a holiday overseas where you stayed with some friends. They have just sent you some photos of your holiday.Write a letter to your friends. In your letter ∙thank them for the photos and for the holiday ∙explain why you...
simon synthesis examples for ielts writing task 1 and task 2 simon synthesis examples for ielts writing task 1 and task 2 本文仅代表作者观点,不代表百度立场。未经许可,不得转载。来自csliu2222 0 大家还在看 电子书 雅思写作任务 IELTS Writing Task 1 Task 2 csliu2...
1.Howdoyouusuallykeepintouchwithmembersofyourfamily? calls.IalsotrytovisitmembersofmyfamilyinpersonasoftenasIcan. 2.Doyouprefertospeaktopeoplebyphoneorbywritingemails? Itdependsonthesituation.Iuseemailandtextmessagestocommunicatewithfriends,butmy parentspreferitifIphonethem. 3.Doyoueverwritelettersbyhand?(...