Wolfspeed is leading the adoption of silicon carbide (SiC) technologies by providing solutions for efficient energy and a sustainable future.
Silicon Carbide MOSFET模块 对于一直在设法提高效率和功率密度并同时维持系统简单性的功率设计师而言,碳化硅SiC MOSFET的高开关速度、高额定电压和小RDS(on)使得它们具有十分高的吸引力。然而,由于高开关速度会导致高漏源电压(Vds)峰值和长振铃期,它们会产生电磁干扰,尤其是在电流大时。本文提供了一个较好的解决方案来...
可靠的MOSFET减少了传导损耗和开关损耗,并支持更高的开关频率。 对于裸片类应用,比如应用于车载逆变器模块,也有非封装芯片版本可用。 产品优势 博世双通道沟槽栅极技术实现单位面积下更低的导通电阻 切换速度可根据门极电阻调节 Qualification: AEC-Q101 & SiC specific validation 高效而可靠 适用于逆变器、直流转换器...
SCT30N120 Silicon carbide Power MOSFET 1200 V, 45 A, 90 mΩ (typ., TJ = 150 °C) in an HiP247™ package Datasheet - production data Features Very tight variation of on-resistance vs. temperature Very high operating junction temperature capability (TJ = 200 °C) ...
意法半导体的碳化硅器件产品组合包括600/1200V SiC二极管和650/750/900/1200/1700V SiC MOSFET。前者包括汽车级二极管,具有业界领先的低前向压降 (VF);后者具有业内领先的200°C额定结温,可实现更为高效、简洁的设计。
Silicon Carbide Power MOSFET(N-Channel Enhancement) High speed switching T2PAK Fetures Applications YJD212040T2GHQ, Find Details and Price about High Voltage Diode 500kv Bridge Rectifier from Silicon Carbide Power MOSFET(N-Channel Enhancement)...
Providing a silicon carbide metal - oxide semiconductor field effect transistor (MOSFET) and a manufacturing method. 碳化硅MOSFET有n型碳化硅漂移层,在n型漂移层内包含有一定间隔的,其中又包含n型碳化硅区的p型碳化硅区,和氮化的氧化层. SiC MOSFET has n-type silicon carbide drift layer, in the n-type...
Silicon Carbide Power MOSFET SCTWA60N120G2-4 数据手册说 SCTWA60N120G2-4
VDS 1200 V C3M0075120J ID @ 25˚C 30 A Silicon Carbide Power MOSFET TM C3M MOSFET Technology RDS(on) 75 mΩ N-Channel Enhancement Mode Features Package • C3MTM SiC MOSFET technology • Low impedance package with driver source pin • 7mm of creepage distance between drain and ...
In comparison to traditional Silicon-based switches like IGBTs and MOSFETs, the Silicon Carbide (SiC) Power MOSFET offers a series of advantages. CoolSiC™ MOSFET products from 400 V to 2000 V target a range of applications such as photovoltaic inverters, battery charging, energy storage, ...