不同作用机制的口服降糖药联合治疗T2DM在临床应用中已十分广泛,随着SGLT-2i这类药物在《2022年ADA糖尿病医学诊疗标准》、《中国2型糖尿病防治指南(2020年版)》中地位的提升,二甲双胍联合SGLT-2i也成为中华医学会糖尿病学分会、美国糖尿病协会等国内外指南推荐的首选治疗方案之一。 然而,无论是国内还是国际上均缺乏...
These results were further subdivided by specialty prescribing the medication. Cardiologists started 3,765 patients on SGLT2i with 2,179 (57.9%) being white, 462 (12.3%) being black and 357 (9.5%) being Asian. Nephrologists started 355 patients on SGLT2i with 162 (45.6%) being white, 67...
demonstrated dual effects on gene expression in PC3 cells. It mediated feedback upregulation of genes related to autophagy, organelle acidification V-ATPase (ATP6V-0E1, −1D, −1E1, −1G1, −1H), and genes encoding subunits of mitochondria respiratory chain enzymes [complex-I: (ND1, ...
Moreover, while stirring controversy regarding their antihypertensive effects, shine in impeding CKD progression and positioning them as a formidable class of medication alongside RAS inhibitors. In the realm of therapeutic medicine for nondiabetic patients, SGLT2 inhibitors emerge as a beacon of promise...
达格列净(点击跳转合理用药专区) 是一种新型口服降糖药,属于钠-葡萄糖协同转运蛋白2(SGLT2)抑制剂,可通过促进尿糖排泄降低血糖。尽管其在2型糖尿病治疗中效果显著,但妊娠期和哺乳期女性能否使用达格列净呢? 妊娠期 潜在风险:动物实验提示,达格列净可能干扰胎儿肾脏发育(胎儿肾脏中SGLT2蛋白活跃),但目前缺乏人类妊娠...
Empagliflozin is currently being reviewed to be added on the list. In local clinical practice, we rarely see patients being prescribed this medication despite its known advantages. MethodWe reviewed our cohort of patients with CRT device who are still known to our local cardiac physiologist team, ...
Demographic, clinical, biochemical and medication data were collected from medical charts and our local digital database:EVOLVE and CVWeb. Patients had to meet the DAPA-HF inclusion criteria to be deemed eligible for dapagliflozin therapy. Results Table 1 summarises the baseline clinical data and ...
潜在风险:动物实验提示,达格列净可能干扰胎儿肾脏发育(胎儿肾脏中SGLT2蛋白活跃),但目前缺乏人类妊娠期安全性数据[1]。美国FDA将其列为妊娠C级(风险不明确)。 临床建议:计划怀孕或已妊娠的糖尿病患者,应停用达格列净。妊娠中晚期尤其需避免,以减少胎儿长期暴露风险。
Additionally, to understand the potential benefit of introducing SGLT2i to these patients in primary care. Methods The patient list of a GP surgery was searched for patients coded to have T2DM and ASCVD. Demographics, most recent HbA1c and eGFR, diabetic and cardiology medication were recorded. ...
In spite of its sufficient inhibitory effects against SGLTs, phlorizin was ultimately considered to be inappropriate for further development as an antihyperglycemic medication due to some critical drawbacks. First, as described above, phlorizin inhibits both SGLT1 and SGLT2 with low therapeutic ...