缓冲区内存:33554432 send.buffer.bytes:131072 所以“max.request.size>=buffer.memory>=send.buffer.b...
[translate] aforgotten apple id password 被忘记的苹果id密码[translate] aif the application adds a total number of bytes to the sendbuffer that exceeds the sendbuffer’s capacity. 如果应用增加总字节数到超出sendbuffer的容量的sendbuffer。[translate]...
we are tying use a python grpc clinet to send request to the go server. the proto param we used has been defined as: message PbRider { string speed_param = 28; }; but we get an error: contains invalid UTF-8 data when parsing a protocol buffer. Use the 'bytes' type if you inten...
[libprotobuf ERROR google/protobuf/wire_format.cc:1053] String field contains invalid UTF-8 data when serializing a protocol buffer. Use the 'bytes' type if you intend to send raw bytes. 原因是中间,用char[]把它截断了,造成utf8字符不完整...
wire_format.cc:1091] String field 'accountid' contains invalid UTF-8 data when serializing a protocol buffer. Use the 'bytes' type if you intend to send raw bytes. 原因: 在protobuf 的string字段中存在中文,序列化的时候会出现截断数据,string这个类型带有检查功能...
awomen dou't close 妇女dou't关闭[translate] aand it is silently expanded if the application adds a total number of bytes to the sendbuffer that exceeds the sendbuffer’s capacity. 并且它沈默地被扩展,如果应用增加总字节数到超出sendbuffer的容量的sendbuffer。[translate]...
Python内置函数(8)——bytes 2016-10-20 11:11 −英文文档: class bytes([source[, encoding[, errors]]]) Return a new “bytes” object, which is an immutable sequence of integers i... 十月狐狸 2 34623 Protocol Buffer 2010-03-10 22:35 −Protocol buffers是google使用的一种结构化数据序列...