Much of the industry flourished despite Covid, proving just how essential it is to commerce. Here are the most popular stories of a year that redefined life and work in the global language industry. Podcasts & Videos•BySlatorOn11 Dec 2020 ...
path/to/my/app project/jni/application/myapp then rm project/jni/application/src ln -s myapp project/jni/application/src (the second one should be relative link without slashes) Also your main() function name should be redefined to SDL_main(), include SDL.h so it will be done ...
redefined -Wno-main-return-type -fno-strict-aliasing -EL -eo.oer5f -ea.ser5f -g -mfloat-abi=hard -mfpu=vfpv3-d16 -mcpu=cortex-r5 -march=armv7-r -Werror -D_DEBUG_=1 -O1 -DBUILD_MCU1_0 -DBUILD_MCU -DSOC_J721E -I. -I./soc -I./arch/r5 -I./ar...
SDL/include/SDL_main.h:143: warning:"main"redefined143|#define main SDL_main 解决方案 这个问题是由于 SDL 库中的SDL_main.h文件中定义了一个名为main的宏,这与你的程序中的main函数产生了冲突。 你可以尝试以下的解决方案: 确保#define SDL_MAIN_HANDLED在包含任何 SDL 头文件之前。这是因为SDL_MAIN_H...
官网链接:Visual Studio Code - Code Editing. Redefined 下载好安装包后新建一个合适位置的文件夹存放解压文件。 (2)在本地扩展搜索“WSL”并下载安装,默认全局启用,接着重启 VS code 后点击左下角远程连接图标即可进行与 WSL 的连接,如下图所示:
create Android package file project/bin/MainActivity-debug.apk, and install it to your device or emulator, if you specify option -i or -r to Then you can test it by launching Ballfield icon from Android applications menu. There are other applications inside project/jni/application...