IV curve of prepared diode demonstrates rectifying behavior, which indicates the presence of Schottky barrier in Fe3Si/ p -Si interface. Calculated Schottky barrier height is 0.57 eV, which can provide necessary conditions for spin accumulation in p -Si. Indeed, in 3-terminal planar device with...
This example shows generation of the current versus voltage curve for a Schottky barrier diode. Define the vector of temperatures for which to plot the characteristics by double clicking on the block labeled 'Define Temperatures for Tests'. Run the tests and plot the I-V curves by clicking in ...
Schottky barrier effect. A Schottky barrier is generally formed at the ferroelectric/electrode interface, and the barrier height and width can be modulated by polarization. The built-in field (Ebi) in the depletion region provides the driving force for the PV effect30,31,32,33,34,35, similar ...
Fig. 1. (a),(b) Schematic diagram of the planar GaN-on-sapphire (utemp-SBD) and GaN substrate (usub-SBD) Schottky barrier diodes; (c) Optical diagram of the device; (d) Schottky rectification characteristic IV curve. Both devices do not have any terminal structure or surface treatment....
Here, we report a low-power, thus steep-slope Schottky diode, with a "cold metal" source. The Schottky barrier between metal electrode and bulk MoS 2 enabled the diode behavior, and the steep-slope diode IV curve originated from the change in the density of states of a graphite (cold ...
For CNT, A* is theoretically calculated to be 7.12 × 104 Am−2 k−2 (me* = 0.06m0)32, using the Js value, the Schottky barrier height at the SLG-CNTF interface was calculated to be 0.78 eV. It is interesting to note that, when irradiated by IR light, such a...
摘要原文 Fabrication and characterisation of nearly ideal Pt/n-GaN Schottky barrier diodes are described. The n-GaN employed was grown by the reactive molecular beam epitaxy method. The capacitance/voltage (C/V) characteristics indicate marginal trap density in the semiconductor, and the current/volt...
In this structure, the narrow gap absorption layer is separated from the metallic Schottky contact by a thin layer of a wider bandgap material with a higher Schottky barrier height. For detectors based on InGaAs absorption layers, InAlAs, InAlP, and AlGaAs have been used as Schottky enhancement...
01 In .e6V peVraarcietsitcthehe,etwhbeaonrFkderfgmuanpicltoeivfoentlhioesfbptiih-nleanygeerdrapaMtheaonSce2e;raatnandidntΦehne Ne =erlge 1yc,.t5ar3on endVathfifseinnti,htyae depletion behavior, contact the first with a term positive Schottky barrier is of ...
bias, the Schottky junction can allow the high reverse current flow since a charge carrier injection under the reverse bias can be increased substantially as the barrier height is lowered by the gate bias. On the other hand, under the negative gate bias, the current gap between the forward ...