phylogenygene expression profilefunction predictionThe SQUAMOSA promoter binding protein (SBP)-box genes encode a kind of plant-specific transcription factors (TFs) and play important roles in the regulation of plant development. In this study, a genome-wide characterization of this family was ...
SBP-box geneSolanumSQUAMOSA promoter binding proteinTranscription factorSBP-box genes represent transcription factors ubiquitously found in the plant kingdom and recognized as important regulators of many different aspects of plant development. In this study, 15 SBP-box gene family members were identified...
The SBP-box gene family is specific to plants and encodes a class of zinc finger-containing transcription factors with a broad range of functions. Although SBP-box genes have been identified in numerous plants, including green algae, moss, silver birch, snapdragon, Arabidopsis, rice, and maize,...
Genome-Wide Analysis of SBP-Box Gene Family in Pigeonpea (Cajanus cajan L.) Methods : Using databases, PlantTFDB and NCBI, SBP-box family genes of Pigeonpea were identified and then characterized in silico using bioinformatics tools... S Singh,A Praveen,SM Khanna - 《Cytology & Genetics》 ...
茶树SBP-box转录因子的比较基因组学与遗传分析 西北植物学报,2021,41(12):2046-2057A c t a B o t .B o r e a l .-O c c i d e n t .S i n .d o i :10.7606/j .i s s n .1000-4025.2021.12.2046 h t t p ://x b z w x b .a l l j o u r n a l .n e...
To study whether PvSPLs are involved in the development of internode and leaf, the expression levels of the switchgrass SPL gene family members were examined by the quantitative reverse transcription polymerase chain reaction (qRT-PCR). Our results showed that 9 of the 17 PvSPL gene pairs (Pv...
Members of the Arabidopsis SBP-box gene family of transcription factors have been implicated in promoting the floral transition in dependence of miR156 and, accordingly, transgenics constitutively over-expressing this microRNA are delayed in flowering. To elaborate their roles in Arabidopsis shoot ...
Here, we show the loss of mop1 or ts1 function results in increased mRNA levels for several members of the SBP-box gene family. Our analyses of this family expand the number of maize SBP-box genes from 9 to 31 members. Intron—exon structures as well as phylogenetic data support the ...
植物中最早鉴定出的SPL基因是从金鱼草中分离出的SBP1和SBP2基因(Klein et al, A new family of DNA-binding proteins includes putative transcriptional regulators of the Antirrhinum majus floral meristem identity gene SQUAMOSA. 1996, Molecular and General Genetics, 259: 7-16)。拟南芥和水稻中分别含有17和...
A new family of DNA binding proteins includes putative transcriptional regulators of the Antirrhinum majus floral meristem identity gene SQUAMOSA. Mol. Gen. Genet. 250, 7–16 (1996). CAS PubMed Google Scholar Cardon, G.H., Hohmann, S., Nettesheim, K., Saedler, H. & Huijser, P. ...