Syngene凭借25年的成像系统研发和制造经验,以其可靠性和准确性而备受信赖。G:BOX系列智能荧光、化学发光成像系统掀起了凝胶成像领域的革新,其高级的硬件和智能的软件为广大科研工作者带来了极大的便利。 高性能相机 Syngene采用世界上*先进的CCD芯片,具有专门用于化学发光成像的制冷型CCD,可以很好的降低检测时的热噪音。
box gene 美 英 un.盒基因 英汉 网络释义 un. 1. 盒基因
Anti-PAX2(PAX2 Paired box gene 2)??配对盒基因2抗体 抗原常规性能介绍 注意事项:本产品在存放时切记,不得长时间暴露在空气中,否则会降低本产品的含量,影响您的实验结果 产品说明:抗体即为免疫球蛋白,是改变了的球蛋白分子。由特抗原刺激产生,抗体的 ...
A toolbox of astrocyte-specific, serotype-independent adeno-associated viral vectors using microRNA targeting sequences Astrocytes, highly prevalent cells in the central nervous system, have been difficult to specifically target with adeno-associated viruses (AAVs). Here, the authors present a microRNA...
G:Box chemi XX9荧光、化学发光成像系统,英国Syngene公司G:Box chemi XX9是一款超高分辨率、超高灵敏度的荧光&化学发光凝胶成像系统,不仅可以实现常规的紫外成像、蓝光成像、可见光成像,还可以进行化学发光成像、高级荧光成像等应用。其超高分辨率使其
FastDigest PshAI (BoxI)价格:价格电议产品详情:详细描述:该产品仅用于科研试验。不得用于其它用途。相关产品AB-0264ABgeneStripsof8Tubes250stripsAbgeneAB-0264/BABgeneStrip... 货号:AB-1587/B 品牌:Abgene 产地:中国 保质期:3年 相关问题 北京索莱宝科技有限公司龚思雨 ...
(y-axis) on the negative log10-scale. The thick black box denotes the area highlighted in panel (c). Associations significant in either analysis are color-coded according to (a) and drawn thicker. The significance threshold is drawn as a light gray dashed horizontal/vertical line. Non-...
To use the GeneCards advanced search, click on the “Advanced” link to the right of the search box. The advanced search allows complex queries in which each keyword can be restricted to a specific section of the GeneCard. MalaCards and PathCards have similar querying facilities. ...