Diet Rich in Saturated Fat Decreases the Ratio of Thromboxane/prostacyclin in Healthy Men^1 血栓动脉硬化高血脂症凝血恶烷A2前列腺素I2饱和脂肪酸SFA发病机理免疫血清学TXA2 TXB2Objective To investigate the effect of dietary saturated fat (SFA) from animal sources on the urine excretion ll-dehydro ...
womenand30gperdayformen. Typesoffatinthediet It’sessentialtohavesomefatinthediet,asithasanumberofimportant functions;fatprovidesaconcentratedsourceofenergy:ithelpsthebodyabsorb fatsolublevitaminsA,D,EandK:anditisasourceofessentialfattyacids, whichareneededforthestructureofcellmembranesandareprecursorsfor ...
A high intake of saturated fat and of trans isomers of unsaturated fat is associated with increased risk of cardiovascular disease. Recently, we found that replacement of saturated fat by trans fat in a dietary controlled study with 32 men and women decreased serum high-density lipoprotein (HDL)...
fat. We[18]performed a weight loss study during which we fed diets varying from 32 up to 84 grams of saturated fat per day, with "healthy carbohydrate" making up the energy difference when dietary fat was reduced. In blood triglycerides and cholesteryl esters, saturated fat levels trended ...
Replacement of dietary saturated fat with trans fat reduces serum paraoxonase activity in healthy men and women. Scheek LM, van Tol A, Katan MB (2002) Replacement of dietary saturated fat with trans fat reduces serum paraoxonase activity in healthy men and women... ...
Consumption of saturated fat-enriched diets during adolescence has been closely associated with the reduction of hippocampal synaptic plasticity and the impairment of cognitive function. Nevertheless, the effect of long-term intake of these foods has not yet been studied. In the present study, we hav...
Replace- ment of dietary saturated fat with trans fat reduces serum paraoxonase activity in healthy men and women. Metabolism 2002; Roos NM, Schouten EG, Scheek LM, van Tol A, Katan MB. Replacement of dietary saturated fat with trans fat reduces serum paraoxonase activity in ...
A 9-mo randomized clinical trial comparing fat-substituted and fat-reduced diets in healthy obese men: the Ole Study Dietary fat has been implicated as a risk factor for cardiovascular disease and obesity.We evaluated the effect on body weight, body fat, lipids, glucose, ... GA Bray,JC Lov...
Body fat mass and abdominal VAT mass were found to have weak to moderate positive correlations with both SBP and DBP in women, while only with DBP in men (p < 0.01). In addition, inverse moderate correlations were evident between HDL-C and several adiposity measurements, including ...
Lowering Dietary Saturated Fat and Total Fat Reduces the Oxidative Susceptibility of LDL in Healthy Men and Women The present study examined the effects of reducing dietary total fat and saturated fat (SFA) on LDL oxidative susceptibility in 27 healthy men and women (a... Shaomei Yu-Poth,TD...