The study proposes several techniques to improve the ADC performance. A pipeline comparator was utilized to maintain the advantages of dynamic comparators and reduce the kickback noise. Weight biasing calibration was used to correct the offset voltage without degrading the operating speed of the ...
1. Lee et al. - 2015 - A 12b 70MS s SAR ADC C with Digital Startup Calibration in 14nm CMOS (提出) 2. Shen et al. - 2017 - A 16-bit 16MS s SAR ADC with On-Chip Calibration in 55nm CMOS(改进) 简介:本技术使用了在011111和100000两个码字的转换差异(MSB的误差造成),以及x01111和...
1. Lee et al. - 2015 - A 12b 70MS s SAR ADC C with Digital Startup Calibration in 14nm CMOS (提出) 2. Shen et al. - 2017 - A 16-bit 16MS s SAR ADC with On-Chip Calibration in 55nm CMOS(改进) 简介:本技术使用了在011111和100000两个码字的转换差异(MSB的误差造成),以及x01111和...
calibration of comparator offset,"in ieee transactions on very large scale integration(vlsi)systems,vol.23,no.7,pp.1301 ‑ 1307,july 2015,doi:10.1109/tvlsi.2014.2337236)通过异步sar逻辑,当转换周期提前结束时,将比较器输入短接,进行一定时间的逐位校准,消除比较器失调,但文献3的校准操作需要耗费一定时间,...
the flash makes the MSB decisions and the result is fed to the DAC to start the bit trials. After the last bit trial finishes, the ADC enters the acquisition phase, when auto-zero is also performed on the comparator. This process is repeated when the next convert signal comes, at a ...
9、SAR ADC结构 结构上主要包括采样保持电路(S/H),比较器(COMPARATOR,COMP),SAR逻辑控制电路、时钟(CLOCK)和时序(TIMING)控制电路及DAC电路。 10、S/H电路 为了达到快速的采样,被采样的脉冲宽度一般是很短的,在下一个采样脉冲到来之前,要暂时保持所采得的样值脉冲幅度,以便进行后续转换。所以,在采样电路之后和...
在[1]提出NS SAR的理论基础过后,其首先面对的问题有三点:1. 用于sample residue voltage的capacitor处引入额外的KT/C noise;2. 使用高功耗的staticintegrator,与低功耗的传统SAR ADC的特点相矛盾。 3. 使用Multi-input-pair comparator,使得比较器的噪声进一步增加。首先针对第一点,有些文章开始使用buffer来消除...
In general, VCOMMON= -VIN+ BN-1× VREF/2 + BN-2× VREF/4 + BN-1× VREF/8 + ... + B0 × VREF/2N-1(B_ comparator output/ADC output bits). DAC Calibration In an ideal DAC, each of the capacitors associated with the data bits would be exactly twice the value of the nex...
Imec offers a white-box IP license with support on a low power 7-to-10bit 0-to-8MS/s SAR ADC in 90nm CMOS. This ADC uses a two-mode comparator for low-power, and incorporates the calibration for the comparator offset and the DAC mismatch. View 90nm 7 to 10 bit flexible SAR ADC...