In order to get the net value check the table EKPO field NETWR, in order to get the total for the PO add all the lines. In order to get the condition values get the field KNUMV (condition record) from ekko for that PO and check in KOMV table with KUUMV, KSCHL(Condition type's)...
Reading the SOAP header when a web service is consumed seems to be an easy task. Nothing could be further from the truth in my case. It really took some time to realize.
DATA: ls_header TYPE mepoheader. DATA: wa_item TYPE mepoitem. DATA: lv_name TYPE thead-tdname. DATA: lv_bsart TYPE eban-bsart. DATA: lv_spras TYPE thead-tdspras. DATA: lt_text TYPE mmpur_t_textlines. DATA: lt_line TYPE TABLE OF tline. DATA: ls_line LIKE LINE OF lt_line. ...
Header data The header data of the Enjoy purchase order is transferred in the table PoHeader. Item data The item data of the Enjoy purchase order is stored in the table PoItem (general item data). The delivery schedule lines are stored in the table PoSchedule. Use the table PoAccount to...
entitySet: "poheaderSet", basicSearchFieldName: "Ebeln", controlConfiguration: [ new sap.ui.comp.smartfilterbar.ControlConfiguration({ customControl: [ ] }) ] }), new sap.ui.comp.smarttable.SmartTable("LineItemsSmartTable",{ entitySet: "poheaderSet", smartFilterId: "smartFilterBar", tableTy...
这是一个通用辅助表, 所有临时保存数据的表ZTUP_*都会把文件ID写入ZTUP_HEADER 中. 主要用于记录文件ID对应的文件名(FILENAME),导入日期,导入人员等信息. 当然,如果导入的表是数据最终要进入的表, 则无需这个辅助表. 四 创建TCODE 为通用导入程序ZUPLOAD_TABLE_CONTENT 创建一个TCODE: ZUP_MB . 具体产生模...
The label is defined by the column header, and the value is taken from the corresponding cell. Labels can be displayed next to the value or above the value. Within the pop-in area, the label/value pairs can be displayed in the following ways (sap.m.Table, property: PopinLayout): ...
Solved: Hello all, I am creating a PO form via transaction SE71. In my PO form, I would like to add a logic to check if the PO header reference field have values or not.
启用了WM模块的2-step Picking之后,执行事务代码LX39所创建的TO单,是有些比较特殊的地方。本文对此简要做一个阐述。 1, TO#26是在2-step picking里第一步(Pick)的时候创建的TO单。 在HEADER数据里显示group号,以及TO Type 1, 在其item数据里,
Header data The header data of the Enjoy purchase order is transferred in the table PoHeader. Item data The item data of the Enjoy purchase order is stored in the table PoItem (general item data). The delivery schedule lines are stored in the table PoSchedule. Use the table PoAccount to...