I meant to say that "System will update the column 'Invoiced' in PO header status if you will post a MR11 clearance. Generally, MR11 is used when you do not want to post an invoice after GR. That's because system will update the column Invoice after post the MR11 Clearance. So tha...
In order to get the net value check the table EKPO field NETWR, in order to get the total for the PO add all the lines. In order to get the condition values get the field KNUMV (condition record) from ekko for that PO and check in KOMV table with KUUMV, KSCHL(Condition type's)...
In subrotinue give call to READ_TEXT and see if text exists and return a boolean value, which you can easily check in SAPScript program. DO some debug and you should be good. check sample [code|http://www.sapdev.co.uk/sapscript/sapscript_executeabap.htm] for the same. You must be...
CHECK ls_header-bsart = 'ZPT2'. "get item_ refer object CALL METHOD im_header->get_items RECEIVING re_items = lt_item_object. CHECK lt_item_object[] IS NOT INITIAL. "get the last one of user select(can't sort,user maybe select not in order) LOOP AT lt_item_object INTO ls_ite...
lt_lines TYPE TABLE OF tline, lv_tdname TYPE thead-tdname, ls_header TYPE thead. DATA: lv_spras TYPE thead-tdspras. lt_tekpo[] = tekpo[]. LOOP AT lt_tekpo INTO ls_tekpo. "for header level lv_tdname = ls_tekpo-banfn. ...
SAP Managed Tags: ABAP Development ABAP Development Programming Tool View products (1) Hi All, I have requirement like I need to copy PR header text to PO. I have achieved that using read_text and save_text and i kept the logic in EXIT_SAPMM06E_012. It is working but my problem ...
READ TABLE lt_fs ASSIGNING <fs> WITH TABLE KEY metafield = <mapping>-metafield. CHECK sy-subrc IS INITIAL. CHECK <fs>-fieldstatus EQ '-' OR <fs>-fieldstatus EQ '*'. ASSIGN COMPONENT <mapping>-fieldname OF STRUCTURE im_data_old TO <old>. CHECK sy-subrc IS INITIAL. ASSIGN ...
TCLC Classification status 4.3 Links : INOB Link between Internal Number and Object KLAH Class header data KSSK Allocation Table: Object (vb.matnr) to Class KSML Characteristics for a class (internal number) 5 FI/CO : 5.1 FI : 5.1.1 Master data SKA1 Accounts BNKA Bank master record...
not. If the accounting entry is okay we are good to post the document by selecting the post/save option. After posting the header data will get updated in RBKP and the line item data will get updated in RBCO table. Your invoice will be posted and related document number will be ...
现在我们对PO header加上自己的subscreen, SAP的例子提供的是对item增加subscreen. Step 1: Create Function Group 仿照Function Group MEPOBADIEX建一个Function Group 我建的Function Group如下图所示 Step 2: 在Function Group里建Screen, screen number随便 ...