ls_header TYPE thead. DATA: lv_spras TYPE thead-tdspras. lt_tekpo[] = tekpo[]. LOOP AT lt_tekpo INTO ls_tekpo. "for header level lv_tdname = ls_tekpo-banfn. SELECT SINGLE spras INTO lv_spras FROM eban WHERE banfn = ls_tekpo-banfn. CALL FUNCTION 'READ_TEXT' EXPORTING clien...
CALL FUNCTION 'READ_TEXT' EXPORTING client = sy-mandt id = 'F08 language = 'E' name = po_no object = 'EKKO' TABLES lines = text EXCEPTIONS id = 1 language = 2 name = 3 not_found = 4 object = 5 reference_check = 6 wrong_access_to_archive = 7 OTHERS = 8. DESCRIBE TABLE tex...
DATA: lt_line TYPE TABLE OF tline. DATA: ls_line LIKE LINE OF lt_line. DATA: ls_text LIKE LINE OF lt_text. DATA: lt_item_object TYPE purchase_order_items. DATA: ls_item_object LIKE LINE OF lt_item_object. "get header infor CALL METHOD im_header->get_data RECEIVING re_data = ...
Most objects do not have any indicator that tells about existing long text, It is just a piece of code that is executed when you go to the text screens and retrieves the text from STXH and STXL table if present. Hence inserting text with the correct key into these tables will automatica...
Dear All, I'm trying to figure out on how to display a PO Header Text in SAP Smart Form PO printing. PO Header text has to come in PO printing. I can already figure out
The label is defined by the column header, and the value is taken from the corresponding cell. Labels can be displayed next to the value or above the value. Within the pop-in area, the label/value pairs can be displayed in the following ways (sap.m.Table, property: PopinLayout): ...
In SAP, the Text PO Approval Note is maintained in Header Text. Escalation Mechanism - Deadline Monitoring: Deadline monitoringdefines the time span with in which a job is scheduled to End. Business Requirement: If a workflow task (say, approval of the PO) is not executed within the specif...
Tax is actually Excluding Tax ...This Po was created long back..Now we have rectified the pricing..But Still Users are getting confused bcoz of this wrong information or text in PO header. How can i update JEXS value in such PO or can i just change the Text by editing table. ...
Solved: Currently we copy text data from a word document and paste it to PO header text fields. Can we store the PO header text data somewhere in SAP and select it in
4.在第2步中,中基于TABLE生成的CDS视图,也可以是查询,此时命名可以是:**_Q_**; 2.基本视图 以下是一个例子,需要虚拟数据模型中创建开发多个基于BASIC接口的视图,这些基本视图将具有注释,其中一些将具有关联。 虚拟数据模型中的基本视图 从技术上讲,VDM中的所有视图都定义为ABAP核心数据服务(CDS)视图。VDM中最...