1, 问题描述 在系统中用tcode SFP 参照已有的adobe form创建了一个新的,编译激活都没有问题,但是实际调用运行时发生dump,具体错误如下, "%WORKAREA1-CONDITIONS" is a table without a header line and therefore has no component called "KOEI1". 1 "%WORKAREA1-CONDITIONS" is a table without a header ...
第40行代码通过ASSIGN分配给的内存区域并未通过UNASSIGN释放,因此 IS ASSIGNED始终返回abap_true. 另一方面,这块内存区域虽然还未释放,但里面存放的引用变量已经不再指向任何一个有效的变量了,因此IS BOUND返回abap_false. 最后,因为施加了CLEAR操作, 又回到了初始化状态,所以IS INITIAL返回abap_true. 一句话总结,就是...
ABAP里的IS BOUND, IS NOT INITIAL和IS ASSIGNED这组关键字,如果平时不留心,很容易理解地似是而非。今天我们就来说一说它们的区别。 先把SAP帮助文档抄过来: IS BOUND It checks whether a reference variable contains a valid reference. A data reference variable that contains a stack reference, on the o...
Mobile: +91 7200274545/9042006969.SAP ABAP Interview Questions and Answers 1. What is a client in SAP terminology?S/W component that uses the service (offered by an s/w component) is called a Client. At the same time these clients may also be servers for other services.2. What is a ...
ABAP里的IS BOUND, IS NOT INITIAL和IS ASSIGNED这组关键字,如果平时不留心,很容易理解地似是而非。今天我们就来说一说它们的区别。 先把SAP帮助文档抄过来: IS BOUND It checks whether a reference variable contains a valid reference. A data reference variable that contains a stack reference, on the ...
SAP Managed Tags: ABAP Development Copy this and execute in SE38 : <b>REPORT ZKUN_DEL1 . data : begin of warea , a type i, b type c, m type i, end of warea. Data : j type i. Data itab like table of warea with header line. j = 5 . while j > 0. itab-a = ita...
SAP Managed Tags: ABAP Development Hello, I have ran the eclipse shortcut with the -clean and without the clean. Still got the same issue. I did not find the sapjco3.dll libray in the mentioned path. In the following argument I found out that SAP Jco 3.0.11 requires JDK/JRE 5, ...
Custom_log_table_name |take5 Azure Monitor alerts proactively notify you when important conditions are found in your monitoring data. You can then identify and address problems in your system before your customers notice them. You can configure alerts in Azure Monitor for SAP solutions from the ...
Providers include SAP NetWeaver (ABAP and JAVA), SAP HANA, Microsoft SQL Server, IBM Db2, Pacemaker clusters, and Linux OS. Important points about the architecture include: You can monitor multiple instances of a component type across multiple SAP systems (SIDs) within a virtual network by ...
SAP Managed Tags: ABAP Development Hi, To put it in simple words, there is no difference beteween using a NODE & TABLE keyword in the context of a Logical Database. You are better of not using it as moving forward (into ABAP Objects), you will not be able to.. Regards, Suresh Da...