Because the statement represents an obsolete form of defining internal tables with headers and headers should not to be used, you should use above variants of TYPES and DATA statements instead of RANGES. Tables defined in this way have the same structure as selection tables, but they do not ...
This app is meant to maintain your custom Z customizing table but by default, SAP has generously allowed the maintenance of below standard currency tables.Forms and printing *The below setup is for Business Technology Platform. Connecting Forms Service by Adobe with ABAP ...
Check the notes on the context and the ABAP syntax used that are included as comments in the class. Due to the amount of output in the console, the examples include numbers (e.g. 1) ..., 2) ..., 3) ...) that represent the headers of each example code section. Also, in most...
ABAP words are not reserved names as they are known in other programming languages. Although the use of an ABAP word for user-defined identifiers is not forbidden, it should be avoided if possible. Even if this rule is followed, such a situation can occur if new language elements are ...
'HELP_VALUES_GET_WITH_TABLE' EXPORTING fieldname = 'WERKS' tabname = 'T001W' title_in_values_list = 'Select a value' IMPORTING select_value = lc_werks TABLES fields = ltab_fields valuetab = ltab_values EXCEPTIONS field_not_in_ddic = 01 more_then_one_selectfield = 02 no_selectfield...
Withthisfunctionmodule,youwritethenameofthelogparametersandtheassociatedvaluesforthespecifiedobjectorsub-objectinlocalmemory.Ifthisfunctionmoduleiscalledrepeatedlyforthesameobjectorsub-object,theexistingparametersareupdatedaccordingly.Ifyoudonotspecifyanobjectorsub-objectwiththecall,themostrecentlyusedisassumed. APPL_LO...
Not that long ago, I discovered the whole world of ALV tables within ABAP Web Dynpro. As is so common for me, I’m still figuring out all the ins and outs of the code. I have done several tables in my first application, and they all went pretty straightforward. Suddenly, I went a...
b) support and maintenance - first of all I must remind the team here that there are still customers not allowing OO ABAP, because people "don't get it". I can't imagine functional ABAP coming to the mainstream practice before OO ABAP :wink: Even if it was allowed, how many people ...
CALL FUNCTION ‘CHANGEDOCUMENT_READ_HEADERS’ EXPORTING objectclass = ‘EINKBELEG’ objectid = l_objectid username = space TABLES i_cdhdr = lt_cdhdr. LOOP AT lt_cdhdr WHERE udate IN s_aedat. CALL FUNCTION ‘CHANGEDOCUMENT_READ_POSITIONS’ ...
endselect. CALL FUNCTION 'HELP_VALUES_GET_WITH_TABLE' EXPORTING fieldname = 'WERKS' tabname = 'T001W' title_in_values_list = 'Select a value' IMPORTING select_value = lc_werks TABLES fields = ltab_fields valuetab = ltab_values EXCEPTIONS field_not_in_ddic = 01 more_then_one_...