DATA itab TYPE STANDARD TABLE OF line. 还有一种声明内表的方法: DATA: BEGIN OF itab OCCURS 0, field1 TYPE i, field2 TYPE i, END OF itab. 这样的itab就自动有了一个同名的header line. 好像不会有 WITHOUT HEADER LINE 或者 NOT WITH HEADER LINE 这样的用法... 如果没有OCCURS 0,比如这样:...
table without a header line Go to solution Former Member 2010 Jul 19 2:14 PM 0 Kudos 1,555 SAP Managed Tags: ABAP Testing and Analysis Hi, I need to mention that I'm not a developer. I try to learn ABAP I get error message when try to activate my program. DATA: gt...
Error: Table without a header line and therefore has no component called x Go to solution Former Member 2010 May 19 8:13 PM 0 Kudos 9,570 SAP Managed Tags: ABAP Development Hi Expert, I'm not a programer but I'd like to get the following code working. Sorry if it's ...
• DATA <wa> LIKE LINE OF <itab>. • 如: 8 / 33 • ABAP还提供了一种简单的工作区定义方式,即在创建内表对象的同时隐式地定义一个同名工作 区,这个同名工作区就叫做表头行 • 语法: • 在内表定义语句后追加关键字WITH HEADER LINE. • 如: • 使用带表头行的内表会给内表操作带来...
Table without a header line error Go to solution Former Member 2009 Mar 25 7:34 AM 1 Kudo 21,870 SAP Managed Tags: ABAP Development I have this code. DATA: lt_httpnvp TYPE TABLE OF TIHTTPNVP, ls_httpnvp type TIHTTPNVP. lt_httpnvp-name = 'WF_USERID'. lt_httpnvp-...
SAP Managed Tags: UI Web Dynpro ABAP Hi all, i need to display two informations by line and i use table element but i would like not to have header. I touched the attributes but without success. Take a look to my attachment file. So, it is possible to do that ? Thanks for your...
Tables with header lines (data: tab type x with header line) are no longer recommended in ABAP programs. If, however, you open such a table in the Table Tool, then you can display the header line by clicking on the icon on the Table Content tab. The contents of the header line will...
Defines thetable parameterst1 t2 thefunction module interfacedisplay in the source code of function modules. Table parameters are obsoleteCHANGINGparameters that are typed asstandard tableswith aheader line. If an internal table without a header line or atable bodyis passed as an actual par...
SAP Managed Tags: ABAP Development Hi, itab--->internal Table without Header Line. Wa--->Work area. Loop at itab into Wa. Write: Wa-Field. Endloop. Reply former_member673464 Active Contributor 2008 Jan 04 10:47 AM 0 Kudos 1,009 SAP Managed Tags: ABAP Development hi ...
2012年,SAP 推出了 ABAP 7.40,这个版本在 ABAP 发展历史上,也是一个重要的里程碑,因为它引入了很多新的语法特性。如果说 ABAP 诞生之初,其语法中能看到在 1960 年问世的编程语言中的老大哥 COBOL的影子,…