在RESTAddapter 中报文格式设置Json后 http header Content-type 无论设置与否 都是按照text/plain解析,它不能是个form对象,因此不会获取授权信息 解决方案: application/x-www-form-urlencoded 是所谓的url编码格式,在询问对方参数是否可以实现url拼接后,通过ERP->PO传输动态的值,最后通过mapping传输拼接在地址中发送...
1 ABAP程序中调用ST程序,将内表与结构数据转换成XML文件。 call transformation ztestxue005 source header = gs_so item = gt_item[] result xml gv_xml. if sy-subrc = 0. write '转换成功'. write / gv_xml. endif.转换成功后,我们可以通过DEBUG查看转换后的XML文件。2 ABAP...
SAP PI/PO 使用OAuth 2.0 授权验证 ( REST ) SAP PI/PO 使用OAuth 2.0 授权验证 ( REST ) 一、引子 最近看到群里有小伙伴在问PO里怎么搞OAuth的登陆验证。突然想起REST adaptor里确实有一个checkbox是跟OAuth相关的,但一直也没怎么去研究过,就趁此机会搞一搞把。 二、原理介绍 OAuth原理其实蛮简单的,找了...
In case ofstatic/fix valueswe can use SOAP adapter with module (AF_Modules/AddSOAPHeaderBean). In case of UPS interfaces this will work. <SOAP-ENV:Header><ns4:UPSSecurity><ns4:UsernameToken><ns4:Username>dani </ns4:Username><ns4:Password> sag ich nicht </ns4:Password>... Create y...
ls_header TYPE thead. DATA: lv_spras TYPE thead-tdspras. lt_tekpo[] = tekpo[]. LOOP AT lt_tekpo INTO ls_tekpo. "for header level lv_tdname = ls_tekpo-banfn. SELECT SINGLE spras INTO lv_spras FROM eban WHERE banfn = ls_tekpo-banfn. ...
CALL METHOD im_header->get_items RECEIVING re_items = lt_item_object. CHECK lt_item_object[] IS NOT INITIAL. "get the last one of user select(can't sort,user maybe select not in order) LOOP AT lt_item_object INTO ls_item_object . ...
This is integration content that we deliver ready-to use. A key user just needs to activate the scenarios. This kind of integration scenarios is also known as iFlows. Click the column header to toggle sorting.AreaScenarioShort DescriptionType Business Collaboration Balance Confirmation / Account ...
I went through SuccessFactors API document and it said that with SAP SuccessFactors provides an OData API called FormHeader, I can only get Form data. Therefore, I am not sure if once the connection is set up, will I be able to bring in any SuccessFactors of interest to BW/4HANA? I ...
使用badi ME_PROCESS_PO_CUST,前台和bapi都会进去 METHOD if_ex_me_process_po_cust~process_item. DATA: ls_mepoitem TYPE mepoitem, ls_mepoheader TYPE mepoheader, ls_customer TYPE mepo_badi_exampl, ls_tbsg TYPE tbsg... 【MM】 基于收货的发票校验 ...
4,重新执行ME21N事务代码去创建PO,成功的创建了采购订单# 4500000799。如下图: 5,VL10B为之创建一个外向交货单, 6,然后VL02N去执行拣配和发货过账, 7,可以在采购订单的header和ITEM里看到Returns选项卡, 能看到该return采购订单的后续单据创建情况,如下图: ...