it_sschedule TYPE TABLE OF ba pischdlx。 数据:es_table TYPE zcl_zcreate_so_bapi88_mpc=>ts_saleorder。 *读取条目 dataio_data_provider->Read_entry_data(IMPORTING es_data=es_table)。 *抬头 datawa_Header-doc_type=es _table-doc_type.wa_Header-sales_org=es_ttable-sales_org. wa_hheader...
) TYPE=MyISAM; -- -- Table data dump `eoe_doc_type` -- INSERT INTO eoe_doc_type VALUES (1, 'ZCTS', 'Internal Order', NULL); INSERT INTO eoe_doc_type VALUES (2, 'ZDHO', 'Hollow Order', 'x'); INSERT INTO eoe_doc_type VALUES (3, 'ZDHT', 'Hollow Tollwork', NULL); ...
<data_type> ::= CHAR[ACTER][(<unsigned_integer>)] [ASCII | BYTE | UNICODE] | VARCHAR[(<unsigned_integer>)] [ASCII | BYTE | UNICODE] | CLOB [ASCII | UNICODE] | BLOB | BOOLEAN | FIXED(<unsigned_integer> [,<unsigned_integer>]) | FLOAT(<unsigned_integer>) | INT[EGER] | SMALLIN...
i_receivers-com_type = 'INT'. i_receivers-notif_del = 'X'. APPEND i_receivers. i_doc_data-obj_name = 'SAPoffice'(013). i_doc_data-obj_descr = 'Reservations Reminder'(014). i_doc_data-obj_langu = 'E'. i_doc_data-no_change = c_x. ...
Billing document type from a delivery type e.g. Invoice (F1) <- Delivery (DF) Billing doc. type from a billing doc.type e.g. Invoice cancellation(S1) <- invoice(F1) 销售凭证的Copying Control 可以为Header,Item,Schedule line层设置Copying Control(要符合销售凭证的结构),每层你需要创建: ...
Implementation of OutbDeliveryHeaderType.internalFinancialDocument Defined in packages/vdm/outbound-delivery-service/OutbDeliveryHeader.ts:355 Financial doc. processing: Internal financial doc. number. Internal number of a financial document that is mapped to a trade fin...
p_int type i, p_matnr like mara-matnr, p_pono like ekko-ebeln. constants: c_x type c value 'X'. header-comp_code = '3000'. header-doc_type = 'DP25'. header-creat_date = sy-datum. header-item_intvl = '10'. header-vendor = 'ARAMI-00'. header-langu = sy-langu. header-...
25、ABWV:Default transaction types BWASL:asset transaction type AFAB:500 BLART:Doc typeAFBLPE 10AFBLGJ 2004这俩表示最后posting 折旧的年和期间在TABA中好象没月份只有一条记录。data zTABA like single * into zTABA from TABA where BUKRS = '1000'.zTABA-AFBLPE = '12' .zTABA-...
aux_form TYPE tnapr-fonam VALUE 'ZMMSS_PEDCOMPRAS', lv_message TYPE tnapr-fonam VALUE 'ZPC', lt_docs TYPE TABLE OF docs, l_doc TYPE meein_purchase_doc_print, otf TYPE TABLE OF itcoo, pdf_bytecount TYPE i, nom_archivo TYPE string, ...