T-code: F-43 (Doc type : KA) Dr: 40 (99990200) Cr:31 Vendor (AP related to 21210101) 注意baseline date一定要准确 4. 做doc Import AR Billing F-22 (DA) Dr: Customer PK: 09W Cr: PK: 50 (99990200) 注意baseline date 5.Import AR balance. T-code: F-22 (DR). Dr: Customer PK...
(2) AP预付款(AP down payment) F-43 (凭证类型KA) DR: 29 A Vendor (Related to a special account related to 21210101 CR: 50 (99990200) (3) 做DOC import AP history list. TCODE: F-43 (Doc type KA) DR: 40 (99990200) CR: 31 Vendor (AP related to 21210101) (4) 做doc impor...
DOCLN 行项目 SEGMENT 段 PSEGMENT 伙伴分段 PFKBER 伙伴功能范围 HKTID 帐户标识 KSTAR 成本要素 XLGCLR 分类帐组特定的清帐 TAXPS 税务凭证的凭证项目数 PAYS_PROV 支付服务提供商 PAYS_TRAN 付款服务商的付款编号 MNDID 托管参考 XFRGE_BSEG 付款已批准 SQUAN Quantity +/- Sign ZZFI001 财务辅助核算1 Z...
1. Document Type:– Enter unique 2 digits code 2. Number Range:– Enter number range code 3. Reverse Document Type:-Enter reverse document type key code 4. Number Range Information:-Number ranges are maintained for the document types 5. Accounts Types allowed:– Select account type for the ...
doc. index vendor bill. doc MEKA RM06K000 Conditions: General Overview MEKB RM06K020 Conditions by Contract MEKC RM06K021 Conditions by Info Record MEKD RM06K022 Conditions for Material Group MEKE RM06K023 Conditions for Vendor MEKF RM06K024 Conditions for Material Type MEKG RM06K025 ...
order_header_inx-doc_type = 'X'. order_header_in-sales_org = wa_vbak-vkorg. order_header_inx-sales_org = 'X'. order_header_in-distr_chan = wa_vbak-vtweg. order_header_inx-distr_chan = 'X'. order_header_in-division = wa_vbak-spart. order_header_inx-division = 'X'. ...
PP: 静态 (1)Work center (2)Routing (3)Bom 动态 (1)Production Order ,Open production order (2)Confirm doc FICO 1静态: (1) Financial vendor (2) Financial customer (3) 会计科目 (4) cost center, cost element, Internal order , profit center ( group) .. (5) material price (6) ...
T-code: F-43 (Doc type : KA) Dr: 40 (99990200) Cr:31 Vendor (AP related to 21210101) 注意baseline date一定要准确 4.做doc Import AR Billing F-22 (DA) Dr:Customer PK: 09W Cr: PK: 50 (99990200) 注意baseline date 5.Import AR balance. ...
3.做doc Import AP history List . T-code: F-43 (Doc type : KA) Dr: 40 (99990200) Cr:31 Vendor (AP related to 21210101) 注意baseline date一定要准确 4.做doc Import AR Billing F-22 (DA) Dr:Customer PK: 09W Cr: PK: 50 (99990200) ...
If the customer returns consignment stock to you, you record the transaction in the system by creating a consignment pick-up order (order type KA). As a result, the system carries out the following actions: When goods issue is posted, the relevant quantity is deducted from the customer’s ...