SAP FI DOCUMENT TYPE SAPfunctions–DocumentType DocumentType ABSASBSRWAWEMS SalesordertypeDescription AccountingdocumentG/LaccountdocumentG/LaccountpostingG/LReversalDoc.GoodsissueGoodsreceiptMMReversalDoc.NumberRange 0160000001-01699999991060000000-10699999991160000000-11699999991460000000-14699999994960000000-...
Logon Type string The type of logon to the SAP System, either Application Server Logon (Type A) or Group Logon (Type B aka Message Server). True AS Host string The hostname of the SAP Application Server. AS Service string The service name or port number of the SAP Application Server...
举报 SAP系统在做自动PR转PO的时候,系统是根据什么条件去判断使用哪种PO TYPE,例如:我在后台配置了NA,NB,NC,ND四种PO的documengt type,每种都可以链接到PR的TYPE document type NB,这样在我做一个NB的PR之后,使用ME59N自动转PO,系统是如何判断生成的PO是哪种呢? 扫码下载作业帮搜索答疑一搜即得 ...
Node.js based application router. Latest version: 19.0.1, last published: 20 hours ago. Start using @sap/approuter in your project by running `npm i @sap/approuter`. There are 9 other projects in the npm registry using @sap/approuter.
J_1TPBUPL Branch Code PEROP_BEG 执行开始日期的开票期间 PEROP_END 执行结束日期的开票期间 FASTPAY 快速支付标识 IGNR_IVREF Ignore Invoice Reference FMFGUS_KEY 美国政府字段 FMXDOCNR 资金管理参考凭证编号 FMXYEAR 资金管理参考年度 FMXDOCLN 资金管理参考行项目 FMXZEKKN 资金管理参考顺序科目分配 PRODPER...
TCODE: F-43 (Doc type KA) DR: 40 (99990200) CR: 31 Vendor (AP related to 21210101) (4) 做doc import AR Billing F-22 (DA) DR: Customer PK: 09W CR: PK: 50 (99990200) (5) Import AR balance. T-code: F-22 (DR). Dr: Customer PK: 01 Cr: PK : 50(99990200) (6) ...
In OBF4 Trxn code Select Doc type WE and In Required during Document entry tab Check Whether Reference Number is Marked. If Marked Remove the same and save. Check the Same for RE Doc type also. Also Check Whether PR Doc type is there. If Not Create the same and save. Regards, Ashok...
1. Document Type:– Enter unique 2 digits code 2. Number Range:– Enter number range code 3. Reverse Document Type:-Enter reverse document type key code 4. Number Range Information:-Number ranges are maintained for the document types
I am trying to test the same for my system but have been struggling with it for the past few days.I have configured exactly as mentioned in this doc but still not able to receive mail on my outlook mail id. What could be the problem?