Movement type 121 does not have a reversal movement type. 这个移动类型不能手工输入。在有关分包订单的收货后续调整中,用于矫正组件的(实际)消耗。在这种情况下,由供应商加工(返回)的物料贷记到过剩消耗或不足消耗(科目)中。基于这个原因,如果作一个后续调整的话,就会产生一个使用移动类型121的加工材料(PS.即...
1. Document Type:– Enter unique 2 digits code 2. Number Range:– Enter number range code 3. Reverse Document Type:-Enter reverse document type key code 4. Number Range Information:-Number ranges are maintained for the document types 5. Accounts Types allowed:– Select account type for the ...
The BDC is populated with document type 'RE'. This is the current code. ... CLEAR: headerdata-INVOICE_IND. " Post Credit Memo headerdata-doc_type = 'RE'. " doc type headerdata-REF_DOC_NO = it13_vbrp-vbeln. " reference (inv num) ... CALL FUNCTION 'BAPI_INCOMINGINVOICE_CREATE1'...
Currenc/rateRMB |Document numberTranslation dteReferenceCross-CC no.Doc.header tex 36、tTrading part.BAFirst Fne iterrPstKy (50Account |11010001|b.G/L Trans.typerEnter Vendor invoice: Correct G/L account itemDocument Edit Goto Extras Settings Environment System HelpI创o 國团 勾前 Q More ...
Hello SAP Community, Either you're new or advanced in the artificial intelligence topic, our new use case repository is a great and simple way to learn how AI solutions from SAP can help you build an intelligent enterprise using prebuilt AI and data-driven cloud applications. Discover how org...
点击“执行”按钮,系统显示界而如下图所示:I Doc type infer matfcmBas peDELFOR 02Ddw Schdte/Jrr ScedvfeExtenscniDocTypeLoocai(te$cnptnMe列毎TpeDE LFORDeirre号 schedJe for ccrr(xnent susqierTypnfaZ*8ctcnLOvtbourdStatusflccaData Od5$ed to cat CXPartrer Technunfo Ajttessirrfo Detafc第...
_customFields: MapType<any> Inherited from OperationalAcctgDocItemCube._customFields Defined in node_modules/@sap-cloud-sdk/core/dist/entity.d.ts:36 A mapper representing custom fields in an entity. Custom fields are represented by their field names an...
1DocStop 1Me Corporate 1pt (Independent Publisher) 24 pull request (Independent Publisher) 365 Training 3E Events Abbreviations Abortion Policy (Independent Publisher) absentify Abstract Company Enrichment (Independent Publisher) Abstract Email Validator (Independent Publisher) Abstract Exchange Rates (Indepen...
it_headerdata-doc_type ='RN'. it_headerdata-pstng_date = sy-datum.ifnot save-redatisinitial. it_headerdata-doc_date = save-redat.else. it_headerdata-doc_date = sy-datum. endif. it_headerdata-comp_code = save-bukrs. it_headerdata-currency = save-waers. ...