Hey, I got the same issue. I checked the rostopic, they are all no message..? And I checked the running path, is in ~/.ros Just modified .launch file, change your dataset path to relative path. Then you will say something in rviz. But there still has some problem... ...
Hello, I am using ZED2 camera to run rtabmap, under ros2 foxy, on a Jetson Orin Nano device. When I launch rtabmap, no map is published, and rviz shows "No map received" under the /rtabmap/map topic, as shown in the figure below: The rta...
51CTO博客已为您找到关于rviz no map received的相关内容,包含IT学习相关文档代码介绍、相关教程视频课程,以及rviz no map received问答内容。更多rviz no map received相关解答可以来51CTO博客参与分享和学习,帮助广大IT技术人实现成长和进步。
msg.data=dds_msg_str# Publish the message to the topicself.publisher_.publish(msg)# Display the message on the consoleself.get_logger().info('Publishing: "%s"'%msg)self.msgs_id+=1defget_parser():parser=argparse.ArgumentParser()parser.add_argument('-reliability',type=str,choices=['best_e...
Display plugins(插件) can have multiple message_type tags, which are used by RViz when you add a Display by selecting it’s topic first. Trying It Out Once your RViz plugin(插件) is compiled(编译) and exported(输出物资), simply run rviz normally: rosrun rviz rviz and rviz will use ...
add test to check 'genpy.message.SerializationError: field width must be an integer type' (#864) * use int_t for width/height/top/left to be compatible with OverlayText.msg * add test to check 'genpy.message.SerializationError: field width must be an integer type' ` File "/home/k-...
Zoomis the zoom level of the map. Recommended values are 16-19, as anything smaller isverylow resolution. 22 is the current max. Blocksnumber of adjacent tiles in addition to the center tile to load, 8 maximum. Timeoutspecifies a timeout since the last received message timestamp, after ...
setStatusStd(StatusProperty::Error,"Message","Wrong octomap type. Use a different display type."); return; } ROS_DEBUG("Received OctomapBinary message (size: %d bytes)", (int)msg->data.size()); Expand All@@ -375,7 +466,7 @@ void TemplatedOccupancyGridDisplay<OcTreeType>::incomingMessa...
uint32_t messages_received_; boost::shared_ptr<message_filters::Subscriber<octomap_msgs::Octomap> > sub_; boost::mutex mutex_; message_filters::Subscriber<octomap_msgs::OctomapBinary> sub_; tf::MessageFilter<octomap_msgs::OctomapBinary>* tf_filter_; // point buffer VVPoint new_points_...
Map displays previously only updated when receiving a message. This means that if your fixed frame was base_link, the costmaps would not move appropriately around the robot unless a message was received in order to update the transform that should be applied to the scene. For global costmaps,...