Hello, I am using ZED2 camera to run rtabmap, under ros2 foxy, on a Jetson Orin Nano device. When I launch rtabmap, no map is published, and rviz shows "No map received" under the /rtabmap/map topic, as shown in the figure below: The rta...
51CTO博客已为您找到关于rviz no map received的相关内容,包含IT学习相关文档代码介绍、相关教程视频课程,以及rviz no map received问答内容。更多rviz no map received相关解答可以来51CTO博客参与分享和学习,帮助广大IT技术人实现成长和进步。
Hello,when i run roslaunch DS_SLAM_TUM.launch ,according to the terminal log ,it seems works perfectly. But RViz displays nothind. I added "image","map","ColorOccupancyGrid",but it's status is "No Image received","No map received" What s...
Durability Transient local: 为后订阅话题的订阅者保留数据,比如map_server发布map的Qos策略。 Volatile: 不为后订阅话题的订阅者保留数据,比如订阅传感器数据的节点。 代码语言:c++ 复制 // Create a publisher using the QoS settings to emulate a ROS1 latched topic occ_pub_ = create_publisher<nav_msgs::m...
WARNING: no messages received and simulated time is active. Is /clock being published? header: seq: 2 stamp: secs: 825 nsecs: 700000000 frame_id: "map" pose: pose: position: x: 39.8066101074 y: 41.3922195435 z: 0.0 orientation: x: 0.0 ...
WARNING: no messages received and simulatedtimeis active. Is /clock being published? header: seq:2stamp: secs:825nsecs:700000000frame_id:"map"pose: pose: position: x:39.8066101074y:41.3922195435z:0.0orientation: x:0.0y:0.0z: -0.0116650747515 ...
In either case, VNC or forwarding X is probably not the best way to work with rviz remotely. ...
mapSetValue( "Topic", output_topic_ ); } Load all configuration data for this panel from the given Config object. void TeleopPanel::load( const rviz::Config& config ) { rviz::Panel::load( config ); QString topic; if( config.mapGetString( "Topic", &topic )) { output_topic_...
Currently, theOpenStreetMapconvention for tile URLs is supported. This e.g. implies that only raster tiles (no vector tiles) are supported. To try a demo, run the following commands to make Rviz circle around a geo point you define. ...
support axis color to colorize SparseOccupancyGridMap use rviz::PointCloud to render jsk_pcl_ros::SparseOccupancyGridArray to optimize hotfix to fix the position of overlay text does not update scale if the dimension is same to the previous data in OccupancyGridDisplay implement rviz plugin to visu...