Studies on runoff coefficient of rational formula. Indian Journal of Soil Conservation 30 (1), 106e108.Adhikary R N; Rao M S Rama Mohan; Selvi V; Math SK; Husenappa V; Chandrappa M; Reddy K K. 2002. Studies on runoff coefficient of rational formula. Indian Journal of Soil Conservation...
3.4.1. Elasticity coefficient method based on Budyko hypothesis Calculate the influencing factors of runoff change on an annual scale by the Choudhury-Yang formula (Formula 10). The idea is to calculate the elasticity coefficients of the corresponding influencing factors and then use them to calculat...
where Qp is the peak discharge (m3/s for 1 cm of rainfall excess); A is the catchment area (km2); and Cp is the coefficient varying from 0.3 to 0.93, depending upon the retention and storage characteristics of the catchment. The peak discharge per unit area is given by (4.120)qp=QpA...
This study deals with the examination of the accuracy of runoff and the rationality of hydrological phenomena in cases where the coefficient of evapotranspiration was made constant throughout the year and where it was changed every month. The HAMON formula were used for the potential evapotranspiration...
Overland flow is described using Manning’s Formula, which, for the case of overland flow in a catchment, can be written as:(1)Q=1nS12d53Wwhere n is Manning’s coefficient (which depends on the roughness of the surface, including vegetation), S is the slope of the surface, d is ...
Among the five models, the linear correlation coefficient of the EWT–PSO–SVM model (0.79) is the highest, while the remaining models have the highest to lowest linear correlation coefficients as EMD–PSO–SVM (0.74), PSO–SVM (0.44), GA–SVM (0.43), and SVM (0.42), respectively. This...
After the 1970s, runoff and sediment sharply decreased, mainly due to the impacts of the underlying surface, while precipitation and evapotranspiration had little influence [17]. By using elasticity coefficient method, Jin and Li calculated the contribution of underlying surfaces, such as check dams...
The climate elasticity method mainly reflects the sensitivity of runoff to climate change through the climate elasticity coefficient [43,44]. Combining the Budyko equation and the water balance equation, the actual evapotranspiration of the basin is a function of the drying index (𝜑=𝐸𝑇0𝑃...
The original runoff sequence is finally decomposed into 9 components, consisting of 8 IMF components and 1 residual component (Res). For the VMD algorithm: The number of modes K is set to 8. The penalty coefficient α is set to 1000. The convergence tolerance is set to 1 × 10−6. ...
where R(t) is the runoff of the cell (mm.h−1), C(t) is a time variable runoff coefficient (%), and Pb(t) is the instantaneous precipitation (mm.h−1). The cell production is routed to the downstream based on the LR transfer function as follows: 𝐪𝐦(𝐭)=0 𝐢𝐟 ...