X2 catchment water exchange coefficient mm/day X3 one-day maximal capacity of the routing reservoir mm X4 unit hydrograph time base days Table 1 provides the details of GR4J parameters to be calibrated using observations. The conceptual model (GR4J) is composed of four subprocesses: the soil ...
Throughflow in time depends on the instantaneous difference of sea and lagoon elevations, the wetted cross section, a function of seaward head, the angle of feasible oscillations of the hinged gates, and a discharge coefficient. The mean lagoon rise Δh can be given as a function of the ...
The Taylor diagram is drawn based on three indicators: correlation coefficient, standard deviation, and root mean square error. It can quantify the correlation between model forecasting results and measured results [38]. Figure 9 is a Taylor diagram of the five models. In the Taylor diagram, the...
where R(t) is the runoff of the cell (mm.h−1), C(t) is a time variable runoff coefficient (%), and Pb(t) is the instantaneous precipitation (mm.h−1). The cell production is routed to the downstream based on the LR transfer function as follows: 𝐪𝐦(𝐭)=0 𝐢𝐟 ...
The large runoff coefficient (annual runoff) may be related to snowmelt runoff and the underlying surface conditions of the basins. In addition to the TRB, the mountainous regions of the other two basins had higher runoff coefficients, which indicated that the mountainous regions were more ...
Figure 2. Distribution of (a) soil type and (b) land-use type. Table 1. The overall land use in the watershed (Unit: 105 ha). 2.2. Methods 2.2.1. Climate Diagnosis Method and Calculation of the Sensitivity Coefficient Climate and hydrological elements have continuous fluctuations over ti...
Firstly, five metrics, Nash efficiency coefficient (NSE), mean absolute percentage error (MAPE), root mean squared error (RMSE), mean absolute error (MAE), and qualification rate (QR), were chosen to compare the performance of the models. The focus of each indicator is different, so the fi...
The elastic coefficient is commonly used with the Budyko framework to reflect the sensitivity of runoff to various indicators [28,29]. With the rapid process of urbanization, the hardening of the ground surface has altered the rhythm of runoff generation, and the impact of human activities is ...
of the proposed hybrid model compared with a back propagation (BP) neural network, EEMD-BP, and ENN models—mean absolute error (MAE), mean absolute percentage error (MAPE), root mean square error (RMSE), Pearson correlation coefficient (R) and Nash–Sutcliffe coefficient of efficiency (NSCE)...
where 𝐶𝑋(𝛼,𝜏)CX(α,τ) represents the wavelet transform coefficient of 𝑥(𝑡)x(t), and 𝐶∗𝑌(𝛼,𝜏)CY∗(α,τ) represents the complex conjugate of the wavelet transform coefficient of 𝑦(𝑡)y(t). Wavelet coherence (WTC) analyzes the dependence between two si...