importorg.bytedeco.javacv.*;importorg.bytedeco.javacv.FrameGrabber.Exception;publicclassDahuaCameraRTSP{publicstaticvoidmain(String[]args){StringrtspUrl="rtsp://username:password@";// 替换为你的RTSP地址FrameGrabbergrabber=newFFmpegFrameGrabber(rtspUrl);grabber.setOption("r...
海康、大华IpCameraRTSP地址和格式 海康:rtsp://[username]:[password]@[ip]:[port]/[codec]/[channel]/[subtype]/av_stream 说明: username: 用户名。例如admin。 password: 密码。例如12345。 ip: 为设备IP。例如 192... 码流 端口号 用户名
Authorization: Digest username="admin", realm="IP Camera(F4938)", nonce="31277f661a3c0f81357fb5e1e8d750fb", uri="rtsp://", response="02ab03079911d3310c0e27381f53be86" User-Agent: LibVLC/3.0.12 (LIVE555 Streaming Media v2016.11.28) Accept...
RTSP URLs: Real Time Streaming Protocol URLs For (Nearly) Every Camera ManufacturerRTSP streaming url formatting for SCW, Avigilon, Axis, Hanwha Techwin (previously Samsung), Hikvision, Dahua, Arecont Vision, Pelco, Vivotek, ACTi, Uniview, Honeywell, Swann, Lorex, EzViz, Flir, Blink, Ring, ...
streams: sonoff_camera: rtsp://rtsp:12345678@ dahua_camera: - rtsp://admin:password@ - rtsp://admin:password@ amcrest_doorbell:...
overview=0&camera=1&resolution=1280x720&videoframeskipmode=empty&Axis-Orig-Sw=true#transport=ws://user:pass@ # WebSocket without authorization, RTSP - with dahua-rtsp-ws: rtsp://user:pass@
If this rtsp camera is not supported, is there a list of rtsp cameras that have been shown to work ? Kind Regards, Tom --- log --- ~$ gst-launch-1.0 --gst-debug=rtspsrc:5 rtspsrc location=rtsp://admin:L2E8C359@
Diopoint IP Camera Setup URL Guide Efficiently configure your Diopoint IP cameras with our top-rated iSpy or Agent DVR applications. Our robust free surveillance software includes a dedicated wizard tailored for Diopoint models, simplifying the entire setup process. Additionally, take advantage of ONV...
Download NowClaim Free Remote Access Trial Tip: Click a model to generate a video connection URL for your Decam camera ModelsTypeProtocolURL OtherFFMPEGrtsp:///1 Page 1 * iSpyConnect has no affiliation, connection, or association with Decam’s products. The connection details provided here are...
StreamRTSP URL Channel 1rtsp://<user>:<pass>@<cameraip>:<port>/chID=1&streamType=main&linkType=tcp Channel 2rtsp://<user>:<pass>@<cameraip>:<port>/chID=2&streamType=main&linkType=tcp Default RTSP port: 554 Example: rtsp://viewer:pass@