AI检测代码解析 importorg.bytedeco.javacv.*;importorg.bytedeco.javacv.FrameGrabber.Exception;publicclassDahuaCameraRTSP{publicstaticvoidmain(String[]args){StringrtspUrl="rtsp://username:password@";// 替换为你的RTSP地址FrameGrabbergrabber=newFFmpegFrameGrabber(rtspUrl);grabb...
海康、大华IpCameraRTSP地址和格式 海康:rtsp://[username]:[password]@[ip]:[port]/[codec]/[channel]/[subtype]/av_stream 说明: username: 用户名。例如admin。 password: 密码。例如12345。 ip: 为设备IP。例如 192... 码流 端口号 用户名
SETUP rtsp:// RTSP/1.0 CSeq: 6 Authorization: Digest username="admin", realm="IP Camera(F4938)", nonce="31277f661a3c0f81357fb5e1e8d750fb", uri="rtsp://", response="daa3a88726f594...
streams: # [HTTP-FLV] stream in video/x-flv format http_flv: # [JPEG] snapshots from Dahua camera, will be converted to MJPEG stream dahua_snap: http://admin:password@ # [MJPEG...
streams: # [HTTP-FLV] stream in video/x-flv format http_flv: # [JPEG] snapshots from Dahua camera, will be converted to MJPEG stream dahua_snap: http://admin:password@ # [MJPEG...
StreamRTSP URL Primary streamrtsp://<user>:<pass>@<cameraip>:<port>/profile1 Secondary streamrtsp://<user>:<pass>@<cameraip>:<port>/profile2 Default RTSP port: 554 Example: rtsp://viewer:pass@ The following table shows the models ofViewtronIP cameras that support...
We reply onrtspsrcplugin for receiving RTSP stream. If this command does not work, we are not able to depay the stream and then do decoding. tomschuring2021 年8 月 17 日 01:054 That also doesn’t work. so it looks like a camera problem. (can you see from the log if this is thi...
For example, request the main stream of Haikang camera channel 1, Url is as follows Main stream: Rtsp://admin:12345@ Substream: Rtsp://admin:12345@ Dahua
def ConnectCamera(self): # 连接相机 self._socket = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_STREAM) print(self.ip, self.port) self._socket.connect((self.ip, self.port)) self._cseq = 1 def options(self): # print(self.genmsg_OPTIONS(m_Vars["defaultTestUrl"], m_Vars["...
When I configure in Survelliance Station, I configure the camera, validate its capablity and test its connection but surveillance station is unable to activate. Most of the time it returns an error Please check RTSP settings. Initally I was uable to get it to stream to the app nor see ...