系统设置 55 参数 说明 RTSP 端口号默认为 554,若为默认可不填写。用户使用苹果浏览器QuickTime 或者VLC 播放实时监控时可使用以下格式播放。黑莓手机也支持该功能。 实时监控码流URL 格式,请求实时监控码流RTSP 流媒体服务时,应在URL 中 指明请求的通道号、码流类型,如果需要认证信息,还需要提供用户名和密码。 用户...
Dahua IP Camera, DVR, or NVR AppleTV Webcam HQ - CCTV Viewer VLC Media PlayerVideo InstructionsStep by Step InstructionsExample of Working RTSP URL: rtsp:// ...
Dahua Technology NVR 用户手册说明书
URL format is: rtsp://username:password@ip:port/cam/realmonitor?channel=1&subtype=0 username/password/IP and port. The IP is device IP and the port default value is 554. You can leave it in blank if it is the default value.
in get raise exception File "/config/custom_components/dahua/client.py", line 737, in get response = await auth.request("GET", url) File "/config/custom_components/dahua/digest.py", line 46, in request response = await self.session.request(method, url, headers=headers, **kwargs) File...
rtsp://:@:/cam/realmonitor?channel=1&subtype=0 channel: Channel, 1-8; subtype: Stream Type, Main Stream 0, Sub Stream 1. The integration appears to not understand this. https://imgur.com/a/iisvBLQ Sorry, something went wrong.
网络球型摄像机WEB3.0 使用说明书 V1.0.1 浙江大华科技有限公司 法律声明 版权声明 © 2015 浙江大华科技有限公司。版权所有。 在未经浙江大华科技有限公司(下称“大华”)事先书面许可的情况下,任何人不能以任何形式 复制、传递、分发或存储本文档中的任何内容。 本文档描述的产品中,可能包含大华及可能存在的第...
Local IP address of device Port 554 forwarded in the gateway of the network the IP Camera, DVR or NVR is connected Website where you want to host the videoExample of RTSP URLrtsp://admin:admin@ stream...
URL Syntax rtsp://:@:/cam/realmonitor?channel=&subtype= : a valid user’s username. :user’s password. (Cannot contain #) :the IP address of the IP Camera. :the default port is 554. It can be omitted. :the channel number. It starts from 1. :the stream type. The of main ...